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"How to Reduce the Level Corruption in Indonesia"

25 April 2018   00:35 Diperbarui: 25 April 2018   11:21 1679 1
The problem of corruption is becoming a hot topic in society. Corruption is a violatin of the law that  is difficult to eradicate. Various cases of corruption that occur have triggered Indonesia to overcome them. One of the ways is by establishing an anti-corruption agency namely KPK. However based on the data from Tranparency International, corruption cases in Indonesia have not been resolved properly. in 2017 reveals that Indonesia has corruption perceptions index 37 score out of 100. For global rank, Indonesia is ranked 96th out of 180 countries in the world. Although there is KPK, corruption laws in Indonesia are still weak and sanctions given to corruptors are still less assertive. In addition,  law enforcement officers can still be bribed. These what make corruption still exist in Indonesia. This is a big problem that needs to be solved. So this essay will explain how to reduce the level of corruption.


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