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Women in Islam: The Transformation Maker in Past, Present & Future

14 Juni 2024   11:45 Diperbarui: 14 Juni 2024   12:12 115 1
Imagine being a women in Islam where Allah gives a special surah only for women to understand themselves as mostly known for it complicated feelings. Allah SWT, as the almighty of every creature, has made Q.S An-Nisa (4) which mostly speaks about women, it merely to concise the equality between men and women. Moreover, An-Nisa itself has implied the degree of women which is glorious and honorable for it position. In past, as human have not been civilized like now, women are treated in horrible ways, as a matter of fact, human civilization has done years by years, decade by decade and women are treated in better ways by men. This article will be focusing on the past, present and future position of women in the world, either in socio-economic status, cultural, and it value on doing politics.


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