Imagine how many countries there are in UN. Between those countries, interests will most likely to be collided with each other; so that's why we need diplomacy to articulate what each of us want without having to collide with each other.
Mandate: what we have to do; what we have to achieve during a meeting.
Mandat & Agenda
1. Mandat Sidang
- Berasal dari traktat, dari pertemuan sebelumnya atau pertemuan-pertemuan lain, dll.
- Penentuan tema atau topik persidangan.
- Possible outcomes.
We have to be sure about one meeting's mandate because sometimes they're unclear and it could cause a problem for the participants.
International meetings aren't always end up with quick solutions for the discussed issue. Sometimes it could take several meetings to solve the current discussed issue.
2. Agenda Sidang
- Dirundingkan atau disepakati sebelum sidang resmi dibuka.
- Kemungkinan bisa diamandemen pada waktu pembahasan agenda di awal sidang
- Pengesahan agenda
Rules of Procedure (RoP)
Antara lain mengatur:
a. Periode dan tempat sidang
b. Mekanisme pengambilan keputusan
c. Partisipasi
d. Representasi & kredensial (representasi dilakukan oleh representasi dari masing-masing negara peserta)
e. Bureau of the Meetings (dapat dipilih langsung, melalui konsensus, etc.)
f. Conduct of the Meetings.
Pelaksanaan Persidangan
1. Pemilihan pimpinan sidang (harus sesuai RoP)
2. Penyampaian statements dari para delegasi:
a. Statement umum
b. Statement khusus
c. Usul resolution, decision dan atau statement
d. Penyampaian usul resolusi tersebut
e. Penjelasan usul tersebut
f. Sponsor & co-sponsor
3. Pengambilan keputusan
a. Konsensus
b. Pemungutan suara:
i. Mengangkat tangan
ii. Berdiri
iii. Secret ballot
iv. Roll-call vote
v. Direct voting
4. Explanation of vote (before & after)
Beforeà to avoid the situation becomes hostile because usually after the meeting, judgements and opinions are already created towards the discussed issue and the other countries' opinions regarding to the issue.
Afterà to avoid our opinion is in the same line with others' opinions (most likely to increase the possibility of our statement/opinion being heard).
5. Outcomes of the Meetings
- Jenis:
o Resolution
o Joint statement
o Declaration
o Summary of the chair
o Co-chair's statement, etc.
- Disetujui oleh seluruh mayoritas delegasi (depends on mandate & RoP)
During a general debate, it is possible to interrupt/deliver a statement regarding to the discussed issue.
Merupakan continous activities
- Dapat berkaitan dengan substansi maupun non-substansi
- Berlangsung secara formal & informal
- Berlangsung pada berbagai tingkat
- Dapat bersifat eksklusif (friends of the chair, interest group, etc.)
Lobbying is all about influence. If we don't want the next meeting resulting in a charter, we could influence the other delegates not to vote for the charter.
Lobbying doesn't end in only one meeting; it will continously needed on the next meetings until the purpose is finally reached.
Being a diplomat is a force to be a good lobbyist J
We have to have this 'opportunity-seeker' character, not only doing diplomacy in usual, modest ways but also opening our mind to various opportunities we could take.
In the world of diplomacy, everything is already intertwined; they're no longer separated in sub-topics (economy, social, education, etc.) because regarding to the current global situation, they're need to be merged. To solve an issue, we could not see it from only one sub-topic but we need to see it from the other sub-topics as well to create a much quicker and better solution. That's why those sub-topics are merged and discussed altogether to solve an issue.
- Diplomasi bisa menjadi alat untuk menyampaikan opini kita terhadap issue yang sedang dibahas
- Diplomasi berarti harus bisa me-lobi delegasi-delegasi lain untuk menyikapi suatu issue sesuai dengan sikap yang kita harapkan.