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29 Agustus 2024   17:09 Diperbarui: 29 Agustus 2024   17:16 25 0
 My experience while studying with Mr. Encang, I was very happy because Mr. Encang was my homeroom teacher in class X. Da is now teaching again up to class

I studied with Encang's father because it was very exciting and Encang's father liked to joke around and play lots of games
 The learning

I can learn about nouns and words that are difficult to understand, conjunctions and other English. In the past, I was also taught how to read English correctly
Plans for learning English in the future:

I want the learning to be more about playing games, don't take it too seriously, there are games too, but there's also studying, but don't be too serious so that students don't get confused. And I hope you don't change your attitude.
 English Learning Facts:

Mr. Encang sometimes likes to come in late but that's okay as long as he likes giving assignments. Mr. Encang sometimes likes to chat in English when we meet him.Future plans
I want to learn English that is comfortable and jokes a lot and is not too serious
And input for father fast so that students' needs for learning are more relaxed and relaxed


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