I received the award from my dear colleague and upline, mbak Wiwin Pratiwanggini. Oh, she's just very kind and supportive, all the time.
Now the Liebster Award granted to me asks me to write 11 points about myself, answer 11 questions raised by my sponsor, nominate 11 friends to receive the award and ask 11 questions to them. Alright! So here we go..
11 POINTS about me:
1. I was born to a big family of 10, and the youngest. Yep. For ever they'd always think of me as their "little baby sister" :-)
2. I was born on August 17, the Indonesian's Independence Day. So I grew up with 'people never forgetting your birthday'. It's generally nice, but there are times I'd wish they wouldn't remember.
3. I have a number at the end of my name. It's very unique, indeed! But sometimes it makes things a little difficult.
4. When I was a kid, I fell into a river and my head hit a rock. It left a mark on my forehead.
5. Both of my parents have passed away and their passing makes me learn that I need to say I love/care about someone anytime I feel so.
6. Education is my passion.
7. I'm good with language and I always enjoy learning a new language.
8. I love singing and Gandroeng Choir is where I channel my indulgence.
9. I also love traveling. I find it very exciting and inspiring to see the other side of the world, meet different people and learn new cultures.
10. Paulo Coelho and Jane Austen are my favorite authors.
11. I am a dreamer. And I believe in the power of the dream.
1. Sejak kapan Anda menulis di blog? On and off over the past 10 years. But becoming really determined to maintain this one only since the beginning of this year.
2. Apa manfaat yg Anda dapatkan dari menulis di blog? My critical thinking is sharpened and my writing skills are improved.
3. Apa buku favorit Anda dan mengapa? My all-time favorite is still "The Alchemist", because I could really identify the journey of my life with that of the alchemist.
4. Apa jenis musik favorit Anda dan mengapa? Jazz. I really enjoy listening to Jazz. It always feels like I'm getting into a different world, world of my imagination. And I do usually have more ideas right after it.
5. Apa acara TV favorit Anda dan mengapa? I'm not so much into TV but I think I always enjoy watching traveling, culinary and animal shows.
6. Ke tempat mana sajakah Anda ingin pergi? Many. There are still many, many places I wanna visit. Let me just mention one of them: I wanna go to Venice.
7. Apa 3 kekuatan terbesar yang Anda miliki? I'm not quite sure I understand what this question means, but umm.. I think three of my biggest forces are my dream, my faith and my friends.
8. Jika ingin kehidupan Anda sempura, apa yang harus Anda ubah? There's nothing I'd like to change. My life is perfect on its way. But there are things I'd like to improve: I need to read more, and write more. This has got to do with my dream job.
9. Hal-hal apa sajakah yg menjadi sumber stress dalam hidup Anda? I got stressed quite easily - hm.. I could be really concerned when I see injustices happening around me, or simply when I see people litter or violate the traffic regulations.
10. Apa 3 prioritas terbesar Anda dalam hidup? My top 3 priorities - or let's say focuses, at the moment are..getting married, getting into Oriflame business and establishing Abyakta :-)
11. Ingin seperti apa Anda 1 tahun lagi? 5 tahun lagi? 10 tahun lagi? 20 tahun lagi? 1 tahun lagi: simply enjoying the first year of my marriage. 5 years: I'm at the Senior Manager level or above? 10 years: I teach as a professor in a university. 20 years: I have traveled to 9 out of 10 places on my list of dream cities.
Now friends that I'd like to nominee for the Award (those I'd like to hear answering these questions haha..)
1. Paul
2. Ichaq
3. Atan
4. Ian
5. Andrea
6. Dian Aprelia
7. Piwie
8. Alexander Hendy
9. Athanasius Galuh H.
10. Dipna Videlia P.
11. Tere
And the 11 QUESTIONS for you guys to answer are:
1. Apa mimpimu?
2. Bagaimana kau akan mencapai mimpimu?
3. Apa yang kau kira akan menghalangimu mencapai mimpimu?
4. Pernah mimpi yang terasa sangat nyata? Ceritakan secara singkat.
5. Pernah mimpi buruk? Tentang apa?
6. Apa yang paling kau suka tentang dirimu?
7. Apa pendapatmu tentang keluarga?
8. Apa pendapatmu tentang Indonesia?
9. Siapa teman terbaikmu? Menyebut nama boleh, tidak boleh, tapi ceritakan siapa dia.
10. Apa pengalaman terbaikmu?
11. Sebutkan satu orang yang menginspirasimu!
Woohoo! Yeah! Finally, I completed the task.
Now it's your turn.. Do it as I did it and the Liebster Award is for your entertainment!