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RuBY Market #5 in Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta

27 November 2022   06:45 Diperbarui: 27 November 2022   06:50 121 0
Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta conducts RuBY market activities with the theme of cooperation in local products. This activity was held on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at the Yogyakarta BUMN House BRICafe X Couvee. The activity included talk shows and workshops. This activity is free for up to 25 people.

This activity starts at 10.00 - 15.30 WIB. At 10 o'clock (11:30 WIB), there was a talk show with Didik Hadiprayitno, S. S. T. as the speaker. He is a very popular dance maestro. The talk show carried the theme, "Nguri-Uri Budoyo Jawi: Understanding the Philosophy of Javanese Dance."

Next at 13 o'clock. 00--15.00 WIB, there was a workshop with speaker Dina Kurniawan. He is the co-founder of Akuna Indonesia. The theme of this workshop is "Making Botanical Micellar Water Without Alcohol, Clean, and Safe for Pores."

The last hour is 10 o'clock. 00--15.30 WIB there was a workshop with the theme "corner for sewing batik handkerchiefs," which was conducted on the corner terrace of RUBY. There are several facilities in this activity, including cloth, canting, candles, and stoves.

Not only are there talk shows and workshops, but there is also a local market that displays MSME products, including food, fashion, and drinks. Not only that, but there are also very interesting games. RuBY also provides vouchers that can be exchanged for MSME products for those who have the opportunity to take part in the event.


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