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Political Reform in Islam: an Analysis of Modernist and Traditionalist Thought

30 Juni 2024   19:09 Diperbarui: 30 Juni 2024   19:33 50 0
The interaction of Islamic countries with the Western world, especially after becoming part of Western imperialism, shaped contemporary political thought in the Islamic world. The three foundations formed contemporary Islamic thought, which emerged towards the end of the 19th century AD. According to Munawir Sjadzali, the first factor was the collapse and fragility of the Islamic world due to internal factors, which prompted the reform and purification movement. The second factor is Western intervention in the political sovereignty and territory of the Islamic world, which results in the domination or colonization by Western countries over most of the territory of the Islamic world. This undermines good relations between the Islamic world and the West and fuels hostility and anti-Western attitudes among Muslims. Third, the West's superiority in organization, science, and technology.


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