Tadi malam, saat membuka situs blog resmi New 7 Wonder, saya sempat tersenyum-senyum sendiri didepan monitor komputer. Dalam artikel bertajuk
"New7Wonders keeps Komodo, but removes Ministry of Culture and Tourism from official role" sang penyelenggara kompetisi New 7 Wonder itu menyatakan tetap mempertahankan voting Taman Nasional Komodo dalam ajang New 7 Wonder namun "memecat" Kementerian Kebudayaan Pariwisata (Kemenbudpar) sebagai Official Supporting Committee mereka. Bernard Weber, President and Founder
New 7 Wonder (N7W) dalam blog itu menyatakan :
“Every action by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism last week strengthened the case for us to withdraw from Indonesia completely. If we depended on the Ministry, then today we would be forced to announce a complete pull-out.”
“Fortunately, in the past days we have received many encouraging and supporting requests from the public and leading individuals to allow Komodo to continue as a Finalist in the Official New7Wonders of Nature" “The main news today is this: with the removal of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism from its official role in the campaign, voting for Komodo can continue.“