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Drug Trafficking in Black Market

12 Desember 2023   21:33 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2023   22:40 44 0
The distribution of narcotics on the black market is an activity carried out without rights or against the law that is designated as a narcotics crime. Efforts to anticipate drug trafficking, such as providing counseling, seminars, or campaigns about drugs and drug abuse, have been carried out at several events. However, it is difficult to tackle drug trafficking because drugs are difficult to eradicate because the land is wet and tempting. Easily making big profits is one of the main factors that makes this illegal business difficult to eradicate. Some tips to avoid drug abuse are as follows: Avoid the curiosity of trying these forbidden things. Understand the negative impact of drug use on physical and mental health and maintain a friendly social environment. 


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