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Food Industry Research and Development : Step by Step New Product Development

20 Juni 2023   23:28 Diperbarui: 20 Juni 2023   23:35 167 1
February 16th 2023, marked my first day as a mentee at PT. Agritama AGAVI's Innovation Synergy specifically in the Independent Study program Food Industry R&D by the Merdeka Campus. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to get exposure to the world of Research and development through AGAVI because I realize the role of Research and Development (R&D) in the food industry is very important, industrial or manufacturing companies, especially in the field of food, are always required to innovate and develop new products or improving existing products, this is done for the main purpose of meeting changing consumer needs, increasing competitiveness in the market, applying existing science and technology developments, responding to social issues, and adapting products to the latest food regulations .


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