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Women....We are All Beautiful

18 Mei 2011   04:21 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:31 50 0

They called me "The Ever So Humble, smart and beautiful Woman" just because simply I often receive some compliments from some men such as "how beautiful I am, how attractive I am, how gorgeous I am, how smart I am en bla..bla..."
And I do really feel honored with all those I compliment I got.

But honestly, for me there is no beautiful type of woman. Every single one of woman in this world is beautiful. And just because a guy doesn't like one type of woman, doesn't mean everyone in the whole world thinks the same. For all I know, that guy could just have bad taste

Let's face it, women today are so obsessed with they're looks that it's often annoying. They try to portray that "perfect woman" that everyone likes and everyone thinks is pretty. Too bad most of them can't understand the truth. There is not such a perfect woman. No woman exists that is perfect.

Yes, we all women are beautiful, and we only as beautiful as every other woman on earth. Don't think that everyone else is inferior or superior to others, because we and they aren't.

Don't listen to a single thing we read in magazines or we see on TV. They're all fake. The media tells us what a "perfect woman" looks like so we will buy their products. Ah, don't we just love the sweet smell of capitalism?

Ok ladies, we're all beautiful. There is no central beautiful woman. You are all unique. End of story. It doesn't matter how "ugly" we think we are, we'll always be beautiful in someone's eyes:)


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