Teacher : "The Prophet Muhammad SAW told us that we must obey Allah and Rasulullah at all time. But after that, who else he did tell us to listen to, and be close to ?"
Children : "Your Mother !!"
Teacher : "Yes, well done".
Sejurus kemudian seorang anak (A) bernyanyi :
"Who should I pay my love to, my respect and my honour to? Who should I pay good mind to, after Allah and Rasulullah?"
Teman2nya (B) serentak menjawab, "comes your mother !!"
(A) : "Who next ?"
(B) : "Your Mother !!"
(A) : "Who next ?"
(B) : "Your Mother !!... And then your Father"
(A) : "Say Allhamdulillah..., thank you Allah, thank you Allah, for my mother.
Catatan kaki : Dikutip dari lagu "Your Mother" ciptaan Yusuf "Cat Steven" Islami.
Hanya itu yang dapat saya tuliskan untuk sekedar ingat tgl 22 Desember. Selamat buat ibu-ibu.