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My Imaginary Class (Part 1): JJ and PH

26 Juli 2014   16:55 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   05:07 26 0
I am a teacher.

As a teacher, even if it’s hard to always do what’s right  (well of course, teachers are also human), I try to give support to all the students in the class, with no exception.

Now, I want to invite you all to my imaginary class.

A competition was held last month, to choose who will be the delegation from the class. The result was announced yesterday. It means, the situation is quite tense in the class today.

No matter what, I need to get in the class and talk to the students, especially for those who did not win the competition. I must remind myself to say it in a very polite way, even if i have to remind them about what they had done to win.

I said softly, “I really appreciate your GOOD effort, friends. I am very proud of you. You must be proud of yourself too. Congratulation for the winner. For the others, even if you don’t succeed, at least you have tried. Don’t give up here. Do better and show that you deserve to win next time. But remember, no cheating..”

Still in my imagination, then one of the students, let’s name him PH suddenly stands and walks toward his friend, JJ, and said, “Congratulation my friend. You deserve it. I am happy for you and I am sorry for what I said in that interview on TV, and also for some more things i could not mention here, but indeed, myteam and I did to beat you. Sorry”

Then JJ answered him, “it’s okay my friend. Never mind. I forgive you and your team. Now let’s work together. Please support me to achieve the medal for our class”.

They hug each other..

Then I cry, happily, and say to myself, “I must be a very lucky teacher”

Such a wonderful imaginary class :P


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