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The Importance of Digital Money in Digital World

3 September 2024   15:14 Diperbarui: 3 September 2024   15:28 56 0
As time travels, from era to era, we all know that in this society that has been enveloped by technologies and computerized equipment, and by how fast and efficient everything has become, as one of the societies, we ought to be a part of the evolution, of the development and create an improvement as how we could. Days fly fast and we are not created to be left in the cold by technology, but to adapt to every newest gadget even if it doesn’t relate to our lifestyle. An important service that we have applied to our life since we were little is no other than transaction. We all have our own necessity or essential, we all live up to that by buying all of the requirements of our own, or even to our loved ones. But things had significantly changed, from the time where we used to pay with cash and pennies, but now as the technology fosters, and for other external causes, we all now have the term “Cashless Payment”. The evolution of payments has now reached the certain stage where we can now pay without using cash or having another separate wallet for ourselves to keep pennies even if it kept falling to the ground and making a fuss as we tried to keep our changes.  

Jalan Braga Bandung, Ketika Bebas Kendaraan!

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