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Narasi Drama Romeo-Juliet

4 Februari 2012   20:37 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   20:03 1392 0

Once upon a time, in a big land,Pensyllvania, there lived two rich families who owned two big companies. But they were competing in a bad quote. The families were Archibald family and Swan family. The Archibald had a son named Romeo and the Swan had a daughter named Juliette.

One day, the king of the land held a masquerade festival in the castle ballroom. Accidentally, Romeo met Juliette.

Romeo                 : Oh my beautiful flower, would you like to dance with me?

Juliette                 : Ah, I don’t know. I can’t dance.

Romeo                 : Please. (directly dancing)

Time flew so fast. It was already midnight and Juliette had to be home because she hadn’t finished her homework yet.

Juliette                 : hah? It’s already the time. My father must be angry at me. I’m sorry, I have to go.

Romeo                 : No, please don’t go. I haven’t even known your name.

Then Juliette quickly run away from the ball and accidentally dropped her handphone.

Romeo                 : wait.....

Fortunately Romeo pick it up and keep it.

The next day in Archibald mansion.

Romeo                 : Hmm.. Maybe I’m falling in love at the first sight. Yes! I’m gonna look for that beautiful

flower. I’m checking her contacts. (checking numbers in Juliette’s HP) ‘My Mansion,

Nah I think this is her telephone number.

Romeo was trying to call Juliette’s house. His call was answered.

Maid Christy       : Hello. Swan family’s here. Who’s speaking?

Romeo                 :Mmm.. Hello, I want to speak to a young girl with dark short hair in the house, please.

Maid Christy       : Do you mean Lady Juliette? But who’s speaking?

Romeo                 : I’m Romeo. From the Archibald family, you know..the most successful company in the

land. Hahaaha…

Maid Christy       : Eeee… Okay wait a minute.

Hmm, this is something to be reported to the Big Boss. (thinking)

Then Maid Christy gave the telephone to Juliette.

Maid Christy       : Please, Lady Juliette

While Juliette was talking on the Phone with Romeo, Maid Christy went looking for the Big Boss to give some information.

Maid Christy       : Sir, sir, the Archibald’s son is talking on the phone with young lady!

M. Edward          : Now, now, looks like the Archibald is challenging us.. hmm.. let’s see what he’s gonna


One evening, Romeo and Juliette met at the townsquare. They had planned this meeting because they wanted to know each other better.

Romeo                 : Hey, I believe, you are Juliette, aren’t you?

Juliette                 : How do you know? Are you the man from the telephone?

Romeo                 : Oh, yes. I forgot to introduce myself. Lady, I’m Romeo.

Juliette                 : Well hello Mr. Romeo. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m..

Romeo                 : Yes, lady Juliette. I’ve been looking to see you for the second time.

Juliette                 : No, you.. you are the man from the ball? Is this fate. I.. I didn’t know what the feeling

was. But it’s like, oh, i just..

Romeo                 : Yes, lady, you are my true love. I have fallen in love with you since our eyes met in the


Then, they spent the evening together talking. But none of them knew about their family’s companies that were againts each other. While they were having fun, at the Archibald’s mansion..

Madame Leslie : What?! My son with the swan’s daugther?! No! We cannot let this happened! We must do something!

Maid Erica           : But, madame, Romeo has the right to fall in love. We can’t just forbid him to date a girl.

Madame Leslie     : It’s allright if it’s just a random girl. But this girl, she is the swan’s daugther.

Maid Erica           : Oh, Madame,, how poor your son is..

Madame Leslie     : Please Erica, just,, just do something.

Madame Leslie was so emotional. She just hated the Swan’s from the deepest heart, but she didn’t know what to do.

The next morning, Maid Erica went to the market to shop and she accidentally saw Maid Christy walked into a dark alley. She was so curious that she followed her. It was a shaman’s house. Christy decided to peek inside.

Shaman                  : Welcome. Please, take a seat. What can I do for you?

Maid C                  : Here, there is this girl whom I really hate. I want you to do something to her so that she

won’t be united with her love, the son of the archibald.

Shaman                  : Yes! Yes! I can feel it! Here young lady, this is a medicine that you’ll need. But it’s just

a sleeping medicine.

Maid C                  : Huh? What should I do with this?

Shaman                  : You.. just need a drama.. Hahaha

Maid C                  : Hmm.. I get it.. (directly laughed together with the shaman)

(Maid E)               : Urghh.. I cannot hear what they’re saying.. But the tablet must be for bad reason. Is she

trying to kill Lady Juliette? No. I have to tell Mr.Romeo.

Maid Erica who saw this quickly ran back to Archibald’s mansion and told Romeo about what she had seen.

Romeo                 : Swan’s maid is trying to kill Juliette! No! I have to be hurry!

Maid E                  : yes, sir. Please save the lady. And let the true love wins!

Then Romeo rushed to the Swan’s mansion. The same morning in the swan’s mansion,

Knock knock. Maid Christy knocked on Juliette’s bed room door to sent the breakfast.

Maid C                  : Good Morning, young lady, wake up, it’s already morning.

Juliette                    : Hoahm...

Maid C                  : Hmm.. Here you go lady, I have your breakfast with me.

Juliette                    : Thank you Christy. You’re the best. Hmm. I think I’m feeling dizzy.

Maid C                  :  (Great! It works) A... perfect, i have a medicine with me. Here, try it lady.

Juliette drank the medicine and soon fell asleep.

Suddenly the door was broken by Romeo. Quickly, Maid Christy hid behind a cupboard.

Romeo                 : Juliette! No! I fail, I have failed... Juliette, you must know that i really love you. No...

Ever since i met you in the ballroom. Juliette...

Romeo                 : Maybe, i’ve lost my mind. (directly commited suicide)

Unpredictably, Romeo immediately took the knife on Juliette’s breakfast tray and stabbed it to his stomach. It turned to a blood flood everywhere.

Maid C                  : I’ve done my job.

Then Maid Christy left them. Not so long Juliette woke up. She was so surprised.

Juliette                 : Huh? Romeo! What? Huh?

Juliette saw the knife Romeo used to kill himself and picked it up.

Juliette                 : Romeo wherever you go I will follow you. Let us start from the very beginning even if it

has to be in the afterlife.

Then Juliette stabbed the knife to her own stomach just like Romeo did to end her life.

And that’s how the love story ends...


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