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Yoga Sutra Patanjali: Cara Mengendalikan Pikiran

23 Juni 2024   23:08 Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2024   23:12 44 0

Yoga Sutra Patanjali


Then (when cessation of citta vritis,

The modifications of mind at it core level is achieved)

the jivatma or individual soul is at its original state as the witness


He is connecting now that state, that state where citta or your mind seeds when you can control,  is under control,  is under control then your true self is seen


Yoga Sutra Patanjali


Thus Pratyak Chetana  or innermost soul

consciousness is attend and all obstacles removed or overcome

Fom the very beginning Patanjali is very straight to the point

He is not being goody-goody

He tells you...look you have a problem

Your mind is the problem

Your mind is modifying, every time changing

and these changes are happening because of the seed of the mind not subconscious

Subconscious means subordinate to your consciousness

we are not even talking about consciousness so far

until now 26 27 28, 28  versus,  Patanjali  is actually not yet talking about consciousness

He is talking about the mind seed

And he has told us what are the problems

And now he is giving the solution

What is the solution....

Chant OM and by chanting OM (number 29)

Thus Pratyak Chetana  or our innermost consciousness 

(for some reason this got miss

you should try to correct this if you have got your own book

this is should be innermost consciousness)

your innermost consciousness-is attend all 

obstacles removed or overcome

This is consciousness now this is consciousness

How can you control the wavering of the mind

How can you control your Citta  

The Citta  can be controlled if Chetana.....

Chetana is higher than Citta

Now if you make the hierarchy this is this is Chetana, this Citta , this is mind this is senses body

This is the hierarchy

First is consciousness, Chetana, then Citta , then the mind, manas, then senses, the body

We are being controlled like that

And right now we are only addressing the mind

This is our problem,  

The mind cannot be controlled if you don't find the Citta ,

The Citta  cannot be controlled if you do not find Chetana

And once this Chetana is  attend by..

How this Chetana is attend...

By repetition constant reputation of OM


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