The film tells the story of a newly married couple who occupy a new home in the countryside, but his wife felt depressed because of the situation around the village. She felt that everyone opposed him by looking cynically. There are no jumpscares or ghosts in this film but the tension is there.
Tormented has a simple story, which is about a wife who must remain silent because trying to stay strong and obedient to her husband. At the beginning of the story we do not know how the problems faced by the woman, but after the film ends at the end of the story an unexpected scene emerges when it is realized that all are only hallucinations of the wife alone.
This film has a confusing and difficult to understand plot. that is, when Diana saw suspicious looking locals and frightened her. The actors, especially Diana gave good acting.
This film is less interesting to watch, because it is seen from the plot that is difficult to understand. and many ambiguous stories need to be repeated watching the film to be able to understand the entirety of all the stories.However, the picture quality of the film is very good, the selection of the place and the light is good, and the music in the film is very helpful to build the atmosphere in the film so that the film looks interesting if watched even though the story is difficult to understand but the audience is entertained by the music and shooting which is very nice.