At the First All-Russia Congress of Educators, Lenin made a speech saying that the more cultured a bourgeois country is, the more refined it lies when stating that education can stand above politics and serve society as a whole. The fact is that schools have turned into mere instruments of the bourgeois class order. Education is fully imbued with the spirit of the bourgeois caste. And that “We say that our tasks in the field of education are part of the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie. We openly declare that education apart from life and politics is lies and hypocrisy.” There are two major goals in education under Capitalism namely for what Lenin called "supplying the capitalists with obedient and skilled labor" and for education itself to become a commodity. When the working class is exploited by their work, students (parents) continue to be exploited to pay for higher education which is increasingly expensive. This paper tries to describe how higher education in Indonesia has become a commodity.