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Hortatory Text - The Case Against The Enactment of UU ITE Protecting Freedom Expression

7 Juni 2023   16:35 Diperbarui: 7 Juni 2023   16:40 146 1
UU ITE (Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik), or Information and Electronic Transactions Law, has been the subject of considerable discussion and controversy in Indonesia. Originally intended to regulate online activity and protect users from cybercrime, there are compelling arguments for its approval. This warning statement represents a procedure for UU ITE and emphasizes the importance of safeguarding freedom of expression and digital rights.One of the main concerns about UU ITE is its potential for restricting freedom of expression. The law contains extensive provisions that criminalize online content deemed defamatory, abusive, or profane. However, the ambiguity and subjectivity of these provisions leave room for abuse as they may be interpreted differently by authorities. This ambiguity leads to self-censorship and prevents individuals from expressing their opinions and participating in constructive discussions online.

UU ITE has also been criticized for its impact on press freedom and the ability of journalists to play an important role in society. The law criminalizes the distribution of classified information and makes it difficult for journalists to report on matters of public interest and hold those in power to account. Additionally, whistleblowers who expose corruption and wrongdoing can face serious legal consequences, which can undermine transparency and hinder the fight against corruption and fraud. In the digital age, maintaining privacy and data protection is paramount. 


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