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I Am Not That Kind of A Man

13 Oktober 2014   20:00 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   21:12 37 0
I am not that kind of a man. I am just the man who will and strives to be always productive. Produce my efforts at some kinds of activities. I just realize my "who am I" when I was a passenger at a micro bus on a way back to Jakarta. Mr Kimin. The driver, take us to the limit of speeding. I just felt hungry and no power, weak. Just to Allah my only help. When we are in danger, we often feel existence of the God, and when we are in happy, God is left behind. That is the human being characteristics.

Then I realize about the live and life of mine. Why I just like the routine man. I must be someone different in my every day. A lot of jobs not they mean that we flow follow the winds. I must be someone that specific. It is hard to start, but will be beneficial when I saw the results at the next future. My first job is teaching, the other aspects are make research, management activities for international affair of university, and do some pengabdian masyarakat (social welfare activities)

Someone got higher position as the academia, he show off the paper at his social media wall. Firstly I saw it as the personal admiration of his self, then I heard the comment from other side. It could be the pride or the self-proud that tend to be over acting. Maybe, it just showed his self-proud that is not necessarily showed to others. Then I think to myself, this is the product of our era, of our culture. We Indonesian like to self-exhibitionism. Even when we are first lady or president, we confidently show off our private experiences as a kind of narcissism :). Many productive activities can be produced from internet activities. The society just feel the negative effect of web based activities. We have minimal protection and education about internet based activities. Warung internet (internet services shops) owners just care about their economic measurement. Government and Private Corporation just care about the benefit and benefit from internet.

Why Zuckerberg came to Indonesia and meet with elected President, Jokowi, viewed from business perspective? Because I have stayed at Wuhan, China, the place for Baidu, Youku, Jack Ma, Lei Jun, Taobao, and I know deeply about how internet activities can create economic benefits for many Chinese people, mostly young generation. How about us? We just colonialized with US based social media, and most of the benefit goes to US. We just only the consumers and exploited by them, capitalist of the ages. Yahoo! Google, Facebook, Twitter and many other sites owned by American people that affect their state economically. If you think that our state economy and politics depend on US, I will say yes. Even when we look inside our government, inside our departments or ministries, many of aliens interfere with some camouflages.

I was a lost kompasianer person, because I am a lazy writer and blogger. But I feel that I must be more productive now. Because I am not that kind of a man that just run-run- and run for sake of money, money and money. Even my problem is like an adagio " besar pasak daripada tiang" :) So, just write and write and write is a kind of motivation that easy to speak but hard to practice. And my job's p[lace at East Jakarta and South Jakarta give me an idle time of transportation by four hours or more at the streets. The less of energy I think, also felt by many people, motorists or drivers of this metropolitan city.

Be something and stop from being everywhere just walks around the ways. Begin with citing the target and work hard and play hard. May be we have planning the days, but some expert suggest to make loose target, don’t be strict. A lot of target and a lot of dimensions of your life must be reached equally. Not just the money, because your capacity not just measured by rupiahs. Okay wake up pung, and run away from your stable stands and carpe diem!!!

Here I am in my office, my alma mater, at my 40s. My hope and my future are here. There is no escape route to other places. Kyai Dahlan has said : hidup-hidupilah Muhammadiyah, jangan mencari hidup di Muhammadiyah. One of our former Vice Rector said that the new one will be more contextual: Hidup-hidupilah Muhammadiyah dan carilah rejeki yang halal di Muhammadiyah. These days Muhammadiyah have some universities, hospitals, banks and other profit based enterprises that must be managed professionally. At last time, Muhammadiyah is a place for dakwah by ikhlash. But now, people need more professional for their wealth and Muhammadiyah can be a place for economic seekers. So here don’t forget to synergize between mosques and offices; between sciences, characters, spiritualties, and professional lives. The social pathology here is when we just profit seekers at Muhammadiyah, or other yayasan also. They don’t professionally manage the organization and just care about profit oriented activities.

Jakarta, 2014/10/13


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