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Tips on Buyings Some Tenganan Pengerinsingan Woven Fabric

15 Maret 2015   20:00 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   09:37 40 0
Karangasem regency is one of the nine districts in the province of Bali. This district is located in the east of the island of Bali, is limited by the Lombok strait in the east, the district of Klungkung, Bangli and Buleleng in the west, in the south bounded by the Indian Ocean, and the north by the Java Sea. The capital of this district is Amlapura. Karangasem residents have diverse livelihood, such as being farmers, fishermen, merchants, craftsmen, and some of which are active in the field of tourism. The majority of the population is Hindu, so almost in any place encountered the temple and discovered everyday activities Hindu ritual feast. The distance between regencies of Karangasem with Ngurah Rai International Airport is 88 km (53 mil). Throughout your journey from the airport, will be served by the east Bali panorama that captivates the village of a unique Balinese village, the natives, temples, hills, a small forest and beautiful rice terraces. One of the unique village in Karangasem and quite famous in the eyes of the world as the most exciting attractions on the island is the village of Tenganan Pegeringsingan by the typical form of traditional weaving cloth of Pegeringsingan Tenganan village, Karangasem regency, Bali. The tourists who come are required to make themselves available to Karangasem buy traditional woven fabric of this island as a souvenir. Here will be given tips on buying some Tenganan Pegeringsingan woven fabric so as not to disappoint you in the house, look together just like the following :


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