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Program Magang dan Studi Indipenden Bersertifikat (MSIB)

22 Juni 2023   11:31 Diperbarui: 22 Juni 2023   11:34 74 0
Hello my name Syahid Abdillah Ahmad and normal known with calling Syahid. I originate from West Kalimantan and I saaat This currently become student in the wrong One private famous in Malang that is University Muhammadiyah Malang, moment This I occupied semester 6 and this semester Also I follow the program created by government especially education namely the Internship Program And Studies Independent Certified (MSIB). this program very interested by para student at the moment this, because in this program is a learning program designed For give chance for student in Study in a manner directly in the world real industry. This program designed For increase competence para students so they can face change competence latest , best And front For face need world working at that time fast.


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