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KKN UM Desa Dalisodo
KKN UM Desa Dalisodo Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Universitas Negeri Malang

Kuliah Kerja Nyata Universitas Negeri Malang di Desa Dalisodo



Ilmu Sosbud

Prevention of Stunting and Wasting Through Fulfillment of Nutrition in Women of Reproductive Age in Dalisodo Village, Malang Regency

7 Desember 2022   19:00 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2022   19:02 107
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Dalisodo Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency is one of the areas that has a toddler nutrition problem, namely stunting. One of the government's efforts to overcome and prevent stunting is by routinely procuring a toddler posyandu. Bedali, which is one of the hamlets in Dalisodo Village, has carried out routine activities regarding the implementation of the toddler Posyandu which is carried out every month in the first week. It is appropriate for Bedali Hamlet to carry it out regularly because this hamlet is a hamlet that has quite a lot of people compared to other hamlets. 

The KKN Team to Build Villages at Malang State University in the odd semester of 2022 will help support posyandu activities starting in September 2022. During its implementation, the team found various problems that needed to be straightened out because this is one of the causes of the risk of stunting. 

Mothers who have toddlers in Bedali Hamlet still think that exclusive breastfeeding can be ruled out, complementary feeding should not be given at 6 months of age, toddlers' clothes cannot be washed using a washing machine, breastfeeding mothers cannot drink cold drinks, and there are still many myths that we found . Besides that, the myth stems from public belief and a lack of important information in child development. Therefore, the UM KKN team provides assistance to mothers who have toddlers with the aim of dispelling various kinds of myths that are circulating.


Activities from the UM KKN team entitled "Prevention of Stunting and Wasting Through Fulfillment of Nutrition in Women of Reproductive Age in Dalisodo Village, Malang Regency" are carried out at each posyandu in October and November. At the first meeting, which was on October 10 2022, the team carried out socialization activities regarding the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and the mythical facts surrounding breastfeeding. In its implementation, the mothers who were present were able to participate actively by discussing with each other the problems encountered. 

"I never gave my first child breast milk, sis, because the milk didn't come out, I just used formula milk. But when my second child was born, I tried to implement exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, how come the progress was rapid." Said one mother who has a toddler who is telling her experience.


Problems that are often found by mothers who have toddlers in Bedali Hamlet, Dalisodo Village can be resolved or solved by this discussion. Mothers and health cadres also helped in solving problems. From the results of the first meeting, it can be concluded that mothers can understand the importance of exclusive breastfeeding which is assessed based on small questions by the presenter at the end of the activity.

The series of activities held by the UM KKN team are activities that take place in stages, when mothers understand the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, they will be given another understanding about good and correct MP-ASI where this material will be brought to the next activity. While waiting for the next month to hold a toddler posyandu again, health cadres are monitoring.


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