There is so much weariness and disappointment in travel that people have to open up – in railway trains, over a fire, on the decks of steamers, and in the palm courts of hotels on a rainy day. They have to pass the time somehow, and they can pass it only with themselves. Like the characters in Chekhov they have no reserves – you learn the most intimate secrets. You get an impression of a world peopled by eccentrics, of odd professions, almost incredible stupidities, and, to balance them, amazing endurances— Graham Greene, The Lawless Roads (1939)
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Kepala SMP Negeri 52 Jakarta. Pengagum Gus Dur, Syafii Maarif, dan Mustofa Bisri. Penerima Adi Karya IKAPI tahun 2000 untuk buku novel anaknya yang berjudul "Bukan Sekadar Basa Basi".