The Selamatan Bersih Desa (Village Cleansing Ceremony) held in Ngadirejo Village, Tutur District, Pasuruan Regency is a traditional ritual performed according to the customs and traditions of the Tengger Bromo tribe. This ritual is one of the annual routine activities carried out based on the Tengger calendar. The purpose of this activity is as an expression of gratitude for being given the blessing of a very satisfying harvest, and it is hoped that it can provide peace and tranquility for the environment or region.
Tengger Bromo Tribal Customs and Traditions
The Tengger tribe inhabits the slopes of Mount Bromo in Probolinggo Regency, and parts of Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang Regencies. The Tengger Bromo tribe has a rich cultural heritage, including in terms of customs and traditions. They believe in the power of nature and have rituals closely related to volcanoes, including Mount Bromo. Traditional ceremonies such as Mecaru together, Tawur Agung Kesanga, and Yadnya Kasada are important parts of the spiritual life of the Tengger Bromo tribe.
Selamatan Bersih Desa Tradition
The tradition of Selamatan Bersih Desa is an important part of the life of the Javanese people, including the Tengger Bromo tribe. This ceremony is performed as an expression of gratitude to God Almighty for the abundant harvest. In addition, the Selamatan ceremony is also considered a means to pray for the safety and blessings of the village and its people.
Ceremony Implementation