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Kenneth Adrian Jose
Kenneth Adrian Jose Mohon Tunggu... Pelajar Sekolah - lasnca





global warming: the worst of it

1 Desember 2023   10:00 Diperbarui: 4 Desember 2023   18:58 83
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Global warming, it has been happening since 1850. Some said it is make belief, others think it's a dangerous threat. In this article I will explain and show the ways to prevent global warming.


Global warming, what is that? Well global warming is a process of the earth heating up. This situation looks small and not a big threat. But in reality it is very dangerous. Global warming can be caused by many reasons, some of them harder to prevent or stop.


One way to cause global warming is, green house gasses. Green house gasses are very dangerous, or example CO2 a.k.a. Carbon dioxide. These gasses trap heat, and if they reach to the atmosphere it will be a very big problem. This is because the green house gasses decompose slowly and can last thousands of years. Some of the gasses are CO2, O3, and CH4.


This is another cause to global warming. At first, it might seem unrelated, but actually it is very important. Forests actually absorb the CO2, beside that forests put out a lot of oxygen which is very helpful if we want our planet to survive. Deforestation cause 10% of all global warming.


This might also seem off-topic, but it's actually another cause to global warming. When we generate electricity there are 2 ways that we can choose from; renewable and no-renewable. The non-renewable source is the dangerous one. We can generate electricity using charcoal or fossil fuels. These 2 will ruin the atmosphere as well, when burning the fossil fuels and / or charcoal the electricity factory will produce CO2 and CH4. So by saving electricity, they won't use a lot fossil fuels, which then they don't produce much CO2.



Again like above, this action will reduce the amount of Carbon dioxide produced.


We can turn off the lights when we leave the room, we can also turn off devices and / or electricity consuming products hen we are not using them.


I feel that these examples are very good, but this maybe not enough. If only a few individuals do this on a life-to-life basis, the majority will still ruin our earth. N0t just that, if we all jut reduce consumption of energy or reduce production of CO2 it stil  will not meet the objective. If production of energy or electricity come from renewable energy then we will produce less CO2. To be honest, I think we should be very worried. But this problem, I think, is a very complex, inter-locking, multi-tasking, problem. We will probably need a lot of help from many communities and world leaders. We will possibly need many problems being taken care of at the same time. And all of this is a little too hard to handle for just one or two people.



INSTAGRAM: @kookie_artworsssss

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