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If you want thin and light camera but want also high quality image (far higher than typical compact cameras) output and advanced options - then this is certainly one sure way to go and in this particular article, I'll introduce cheap mirrorless camera system for you to enjoy. What is mirrorless camera? In short: unlike DSLRs, they lack the mirror required to reflect the light to the optical viewfinder. In DSLRs, light goes through the lens and then reflected by the mirror into the optical viewfinder mehinism - mirrorless doesn't have this mirror. So, no viewfinder?! Wrong. Both digital viewfinders and optical (but have a parallax effect) available. Also, all mirrorless cameras have a back screen which usually suffice. Advantages and disadvantages Advantages: Probably the main advantage - lighter and smaller. Usually larger and far better sensor than regular compact cameras (altough costier). Some mirrorless systems provide at least as good image quality as eve more expensive DSLRs (Sony Nex C3, for example). Stills contract-detection autofocus might be more accurate then traditional DSLRs. Not expensive, or at least - no more than DSLRs. Unlike compact cameras - Usually interchangable lenses for those who need it. Disadvantages: No optical TTL (Through-The-Lens) viewfinder. Mirrorless cameras usually use contrast autofocus system which might be slower then phase-detection autofocus used in regular DSLRs. However, recent Mirrorless cameras are quite fast and even fast as much as good DSLRs, for stills shooting and video shooting (like Panasonic GH2). Supposedly lower image quality due to smaller sensor. However, recent mirrorless system
Bergabung 08 Agustus 2023

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