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Ilmu Sosbud

Strategi Masyarakat Desa Lerep dalam Mempertahankan Eksistensi Sebagai Desa Sadar Wisata

31 Agustus 2022   14:47 Diperbarui: 31 Agustus 2022   14:49 260
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Melestarikan adat budaya lokal merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam mempertahankan salah satu potensi yang di miliki, dengan adanya strategi Pemerintah Desa dan Masyarakat di harapkan mampu meningkatkan peran serta kerjasama dalam berpartisipasi guna untuk mempertahankan kelestarian budaya lokal di Dusun lerep, Desa lerep Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Kabupaten Semarang. Pembahasan ini bertujuan untuk mempertahankan eksistensi POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata) dan juga untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi Strategi Pemerintah Desa dan Masyarakat Dalam Mempertahankan Kelestarian Kearifan Lokal di Desa Lerep. Di jurnal ini juga membahas hubugan serta timbal balik antara POKDARWIS dan Pemerintahan Desa Lerep.

Kata Kunci : Strategi Masyarakat, Mempertahankan Eksistensi, Desa Wisata



Preserving local cultural customs is very important in maintaining one of the potentials that they have, with the village government and community strategies, it is hoped that they will be able to increase the role and cooperation in participating in order to maintain the preservation of local culture in Lerep Hamlet, Lerep Village, Ungaran Barat District, District Semarang. This discussion aims to maintain the existence of POKDARWIS (Tourism Awareness Group) and also to analyze the factors that influence the Village Government and Community Strategies in Maintaining Local Wisdom Sustainability in Lerep Village. This journal also discusses the relationship and reciprocity between POKDARWIS and the Lerep Village Government.

Keywords : Community Strategy, Maintaining Existence, Tourism Village


Tourism can be a potential tool that can improve the economy, reduce poverty, diversify the economy, create reciprocal relationships with other sectors and can provide many other benefits for regions that are aware of their potential. Many sectors are related to tourism, so that in tourism development it can involve the community around the tourism development area and provide opportunities for participation in its implementation. One of the participants in this case is a tourism awareness group or what is usually called pokdarwis. Pokdarwis itself is one of the community-based organizations that can assist the Government in socializing and implementing the elements of Sapta Pesona in tourism activities, without exception in Lerep Village.

 Lerep Tourism Village is located in the West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency, which is located at an altitude of 30-940 meters above sea level. Lerep Tourism Village has the following regional boundaries: to the north it is bordered by Bandarjo and Sumur Rejo, to the west it is bordered by Nyatnyono and Ungaran, while to the east it is bordered by Kejidan Kalisidi. Lerep village has eight hamlets, namely Indokilo Hamlet, Lerep Hamlet, Soka Hamlet, Lorog Hamlet, Karangbolo Hamlet, Mapagan Hamlet, Kreteg Hamlet, and Tegalrejo Hamlet. The Lerep tourist village with a population in 2019 of 13,498 people with 6,819 male and 6,679 female gender has a lot of potential, natural wealth and a lot of artistic and cultural wealth such as Puncak Ngipik, Curug Indrokilo, Iriban Tradition, Kadeso Tradition, Gejlug Lesung Dance , etc. Based on the existing problems, the Village Head of Lerep Sumaryadi had the idea to turn Lerep Village into a Tourism Village so that the community's economy could improve. Lerep Village has potential in the field of tourism, so in 2016 Lerep Village crowned itself as a tourist village. The village head of Lerep together with the community develops the existing potential to become one of the tours in Central Java. The tourism potential in Lerep Village is managed by Pokdarwis, so visitors who will visit Lerep Village can contact Lerep Village Pokdarwis. The tourism potential in Lerep Village is based on local wisdom that is educative and natural. The tour packages offered are in the form of education, fun games, to camping.

 For the tourism potential that is offered in this Lerep tourist village, there are quite a number of them: Indrokilo Waterfall, Lerep Indah Hill, Lerep Embung, Watu Gunung, and Ngipik Peak. In addition, the people of Lerep Village have succeeded in developing the available resources into a product that can be sold in the market or packaged in the form of tourism education packages including: Javanese Sugar, Coffee Powder, Milk Soap, Milk Crackers, and Milk Candy. In addition to the above, Lerep Village also has various traditions and cultures that have developed in the community including: Iriban Tradition, Kadeso Tradition, Djajanan Ndeso Market Tradition, Nyadran Tradition, Attractions and cultural arts of Gajlug Lesung.

Result and Discussion

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