“Indri! Apa maksudmu?”
“My message is clear! Go back to your family where you belong. They need you. Promise me, please...”
“Ndri, aku dan Mas Dani akan berlibur berdua. Kami berjanji untuk menata kembali hubungan kami. Makasih untuk segala dukungan kamu ya, dear,”sahut Sinta diujung telepon.
“Take care ya, dear,” balas Indri menutup pembicaraan sambil memandang kartu ucapan dari Dani yang baru saja diterimanya bersama seikat kembang mawar putih.
Indri, this is not an easy decision to make, but perhaps it's the best one for all of us. I loved you, and I love you, and will always love you. I know this is hard for you as well, but I am sure you can handle it very well. You are a strong woman, that's why I like you very much. I am very sorry that I've disappointed you. Thanks for everything. I can understand if you hate me.
You are my everlasting love...
“At least I have made you both to feel my love. Let me rest in Your arms, oh God...” isak Indri sambil mendengarkan tembang To Make You Feel My Love oleh Trisha Yearwood.
Sumber gambar disini.