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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Pollution? Climate Change? Jakarta? What's the Connection?

25 Mei 2023   10:19 Diperbarui: 25 Mei 2023   10:27 116
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Jakarta has partnered with Vital Strategies to try to launch Jakarta Clean Air Partnership, aiming to improve the availability and use of air quality data, analysing policy solutions and their effectiveness, and promoting public awareness on the health impacts of air pollution. Jakarta has also made MRTs and a lot of public transportation like busses to decrease private vehicles and decreasing vehicle emissions, and increased the length of the pedestrian route to support walking access to public transportation services, it has reached 337 kilometres, while they have also made a bicycle path as long as 103 km.

While these solutions are working well, Jakarta still has a lot of pollution, but with the electric cars rising, Jakarta will be decreasing air pollution quite a bit. The solution of Jakarta's air pollution will take a while, but it is still possible. If people can plant and grow more plants, reduce using private vehicles, and stop burning trash, it is possible.  When Jakarta stops air pollution, it will once again become a beautiful city.

But still, air pollution is a massive problem, and it is even contributing to climate change, more specifically global warming. The bad gases inside air pollution (Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, CFC-12, HFC-23, Sulphur Hexafluoride, Nitrogen Trifluoride) is also going up to the atmosphere and making global warming worse, causing the icebergs & glaciers to melt and the earth to heat up. If this doesn't stop the earth will increase in water, which could result in many floods, and the earth going up to an unbearable temperature.

Global warming is already showing an effect on Jakarta too, all the ice melting is causing the water to slowly rise and Jakarta to slowly sink. In West Java, Indonesia, showed various areas in Jakarta were at risk of sinking between 1.8cm-10.7cm per year during 2019-2020. This problem slowly adds up every year and could end up sinking the entirety of earth. Indonesia is already thinking of switching up the capital city, now going to East Kalimantan, making a new capital city because of how overcrowded, polluted, and how fast it is sinking.

But is there really any solution to stop Jakarta sinking? I don't think there's any way to regain the land that has already sunk, unless someone can make a solution on how they can make the land rise again, but the only way they can really stop the sinking is by stopping global warming. Plant more plants, stop using so many vehicles that emits gas, and become.

Sources :

Sound Pollution
Registered Vehicles
Indonesia Ranking 26th
160,000 Deaths
5.5m Illness Yearly
Vital Strategies
Jakarta MRTs
Jakarta Sinking
New Capital City
Main Greenhouse Gases

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