The future is inevitable. Therefore, we need to prepare ourselves to face it. The first thing is that we have to make the best out of technology and back to our principle as human being. Technology should not replace humans. Instead, it should extend human capability and augment people to do work that was previously impossible, such as performing extra-complex surgical activity with the support of technology that once considered as impossible. In addition, the dependency relationship between humans to technology mindset should be changed. Instead, humans should create a supporting relationship to technology, because in the end of the day, technology is only a “device” that supports humans activities.
Policy makers also need to adapt and prepare themselves for the future by working together with private sectors in order to develop comprehensive policy strategies to facilitate more rapid development and deployment of technology that could affect the economy. Especially to support positive disruptions such as blockchain technology and circular economy, like the EU and UK Government already try to do.
This matter is very urgent, because society needs the positive disruption of technology as soon as possible (in this case, block chain related to financial services & circular economy related to sustainable growth).
Preventive actions such as creating a cybersecurity squad, partnering with websites that are frequently used by people, and tightening legislation related to cyber security to prevent negative disruptions such as cybercrime and fraud is very important. Both cybercrime and fraud really disturb people due to the usage of technology that have already reach the most personal aspect of our life, including our habit and daily life.
Just like Reid Hoffman (co-founder & executive chairman of LinkedIn) said, “The future is sooner & stranger than you think.”
By: Jascha Santoso | Ilmu Ekonomi 2015 | Staff Divisi Kajian Kanopi 2016
[1] Peterson, H. (2015). The 12 Jobs Most At Risk Of Being Replaced by Robots. Retrieved from :
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[3] Ellen MacArthurFoundation. Circular Economy. Retrieved from :