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Brief History and Takhrij Methods in Hadith Science

20 Juli 2024   15:16 Diperbarui: 20 Juli 2024   15:20 30
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Hadith science is one of the branches of science in Islam that has an important role in maintaining the authenticity and authenticity of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Through hadith, Muslims can understand the guidance and practice of worship, morals, and laws that are not explained in detail in the Qur'an. One of the important aspects in the study of hadith is Takhrij, which is a method to trace the origin and validity of a hadith (sahih, hasan and dho'if).

            Takhrij Hadith is becoming increasingly important as the number of hadiths collected increases and there is a need to verify their validity. This method involves tracing the chain of narration (sanad) and testing matan (content) hadith. The main purpose of takhrij is to ensure that the hadith used as a reference in Islamic law is valid and trustworthy.

            Before discussing the history and methods Takhrij, it would be good if we first understood the meaning Tahkrij itself both linguistically and as badly as the term.

Definition of Takhrij

            Word Tahkrij derived from the language (etymology) Arabic taken from the word "Kharaja" which has several meanings, namely that it appears from its place, or its existence, and is separate, and visible. The same is true for Said al-Ikhraj which means to appear and show, and Al-Makhraj has the meaning of an exit point, and Akhraja al-Hadith wa Kharajahu It means to show and show the hadith to people by explaining the place where the hadith comes out.

            Takhrij according to the term (terminology) is to indicate the place of the hadith in the original source that issued the hadith with its sanad and explain the degree of the hadith when necessary.

History of Takhrij

            The history of the development of hadith began from the time of the Prophet PBUH, where the companions memorized and relayed the words and deeds of the Prophet. After the death of the Prophet, the need for recording and collecting hadith became increasingly urgent, especially to prevent the spread of false hadiths. The period of codification of hadith reached its peak in the 3rd century Hijri with the emergence of monumental compositions such as Saheeh Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim.

            The mastery of the sources of the As-Sunnah possessed by the previous scholars was so extensive that the previous scholars did not find it difficult when a hadith was mentioned to know it in the books of the As-Sunnah. When the giroh and the spirit of learning have weakened, they find it difficult to know the places of hadith that are used as a reference for writers in the sciences of shari'i. So at that time, some scholars rose up and explained the source of the original books of As-Sunnah, explained the method and provided an understanding of the law ranging from sahih hadith to dho'if hadith. Then came the so-called "Pole At-Takhrij" (books Takhrij). Here are some of the famous takhrij poles, including:

  • Takhrij Ahadist Al-Muhadzdzab, composed by Muhammad bin Musa Al-Hazimi Ash-Shafi'i (died 548 Hijri). This book of Muhadzdzab is a book that discusses the fiqh of the madzhab of Imam Shafi'i which was written by Abu Ishaq Ash-Shirazi.
  • Takhrij Ahadist Al-Mukhtasar Al-kabir Li Ibni Al-Hajib, was composed by Muhammad bin Ahmad Abdul Hadi Al-Maqdisi (died 744 Hijri).
  • Nashbu Ar-Rayah Li Ahadiist Al-Hidayah Li Al-Marghinani, was composed by Abdullah bin Yusuf Az-Zaila'i (died 762 Hijri).
  • Takhrij Ahadist Al-Kasyaf Az-Zamakhsyari, authored by Al-Hafizh Az-Zaila'I (Abdullah bin Yusuf Az-Zaila'i).
  • Al-Badru Al-Munir Fi Takhriji Al-Ahadist wa Atsar Al-Waqiah Fi As-Syarhi Al-Kabir li Ar-Rafi'i, was composed by Umar bin Ali bin Al-Mutaqqin (died 804 Hijri).
  • Al-Mughni 'an Hamli Al-Asfaar Fi Al-Asfaar fi Takhriji ma fi Al-Ihya min Al-Akbar, was composed by Abdurrahman bin Al-Husain Al-Iraqi (d. 806 Hijri).
  • Takhrij Al-Ahadiist allati Yusyiru ilaihi At-Turmudzi fi Kulli Bab, authored by Al-Hafizh Al-Iraqi (Abdurrahman bin Al-Husain Al-Iraqi).
  • At-Talkhis Al-Habir fi Takhrij Ahaditsi Syarah Al-Wajiz Al-Kabir li Ar-Rafi'i, which was written by Ahmad bin Ali bi Hajar Al-'Asqolani (d. 852 Hijriyah).
  • Ad-Dirayah fi Takhrij Ahadits Al-Hidayah, authored by Al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar (Ahmad bin Ali bi Hajar Al-'Asqolani)
  • Tuhfatu Ar-Rawi fi Takhrij Ahaditsi Al-Baidhawi, authored by Abdurrauf Ali Al-Munawi (died 1031 Hijriyah).

Takhrij Method 

            In takhrij there are several methods that will be briefly conveyed in this article, including the following:

First: Takhrij by knowing the narrator of the hadith from the companions

            This method is specific if we want to know the name of the companion who narrated the hadith, then we seek help from three types of hadith works, including:

  • Al-Masanid (musnad-musnad): in this book there are hadiths narrated by each companion. When we already know the name of the companion who narrated the hadith, then we will look for the hadith in the book al-Masanid until we get instructions in one musnad from the collection of musnad.
  • Al-Ma'ajim (mu'jam-mu'jam): the arrangement of the hadith in it is based on the order of the musnad of the companions or syuyuk (teachers) or the nation (place of origin) according to the dictionary letters (hijiyyah order). By knowing the name of our companion, this will make it easier for us to refer to a hadith.
  • The Book  of Al-Athraf: The books  of Al-Athraf are mostly compiled based on the musnad of the Companions in the order of their names according to the letters of the dictionary. If a hadith researcher knows part of the hadith, he can refer to the sources provided by the books  of al-athraf to then take the complete hadith.

Second: Takhrij by knowing the beginning of the hadith

            This second method can be helped by many reference books. Here are the books that can help us in using this second takhrij.

  • Books that contain hadiths that are quite famous, such as: "Ad-Durar Al-Muntatsirah fil Ahadist Al-Masyurah" written by Imam As-Suyuti, "Al-Laali' Al-Mantsurah fi Ahadist Al-Masyurah" written by Ibn Hajar, "Al-Maqashid Al-Hasanah fi Bayani Katsiriin min Al-Ahadist Al-Musytahirah 'ala Alhasinah", which was written by Imam As-Sakhawy, "Tamyiizu At-Thayyib min At-Tayyib min Al-Khabits Fima Yadurru 'Ala Alsinati An-Naas min Al-Hadith", authored by Ibn Ad-Dabi' As-Shaibany, "Kasyifaul Khafa' wa Muziilu Al-Ilbaas 'amma Isytahara min Al-Ahadist 'Ala Alsinati An-Nas", authored by Al-'Ajluni.
  • Hadith books are arranged based on the order of the letters of the dictionary, for example: "Al-Jami'u As-Shaghir min Ahadits Al-Basyir An-Nadzir" which was composed by Imam As-Shuyuti.
  • Instructions and indexes compiled by scholars for certain books, such as: "Miftahu Ash-Shahihain" by At-Tauqidi, "Miftahu At-Tartiibi li Ahadits Tarikh Al-Khatib" by Sayyid Abdulaziz bin Al-Ghumari, "Fihris li Tartibi Ahadist Saheeh Muslim" and "Miftah Muwattha' Malik" by Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi.

Third: Takhrij by knowing the word that is rarely used by people from any part of the hadith

            This method can be assisted by books such as: Al-Mu'jam Al-Mufahras li Al-Faadzi Al-Hadith An-Nawawi, which contains nine books that are most known among the hadith books, namely: Kutubus Sittah, the book of Muwattha' written by Imam Malik, Musnad Ahmad and Musnad Ad-Darimi. This book was compiled by an orientalist, namely DR. AJ Wensink (died in 1939 AD), an Arabic teacher at Leiden University, the Netherlands.

Fourth: Takhrij by knowing the topic of the hadith discussion

            If the topic and object of the hadith discussion are known, then it can be helped in the takhrij with hadith works that are arranged based on discussions or titles. This method is greatly helped by the book"Miftah Kunuz As-Sunnah" which contains a list of hadiths based on certain discussions in order or titles. It was also compiled by DR. AJ Wensink, which includes a list of 14 famous hadith books, namely:

  • Saheeh Bukhari
  • Saheeh Muslim
  • Jami' At-Tirmidhi
  • Sunan Abu Dawud
  • Sunan An-Nasa'i
  • Sunan Ibn Majah
  • Muwattha' Imam Malik
  • Musnad Ahmad
  • Musnad Imam Abu Dawud At-Thayalisi
  • Sunan Ad-Darimi
  • Musnad Zaid bi Ali
  • Sirah Ibn Hisham
  • Maghazi Al-Waqidi
  • Thabaqot Ibn Sa'ad

In compiling the book, DR. AJ Wensink spent 10 years, then translated into Arabic and disseminated by Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi, who dedicated it for four years.

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