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Esa Khairina
Esa Khairina Mohon Tunggu...

Life is too short to be just ordinary. My another online journal: Enjoy! :D




The Echo of Life

23 Januari 2012   03:59 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   20:33 42
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

A man and his son were walking in the forest. Suddenly the boy trips and feeling a sharp pain, he screams, "Aaaah!" Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, "Aaaah!"

Filled with curiosity, he screams, "Who are you?!" but the only answer he receives is, "Who are you?!" This makes him angry, so he screams, "You're a coward!" and the voice answer, "You're a coward!"

He looks at his father, asking, "Dad, what's going on?"

"Son," the man replies, "pay attention!" Then he screams, "I admire you!" The voice answer, "I admire you!" Twice, the father shouts, "You're wonderful!" and the voice answers, "You're wonderful!"

The boy is surprised, but still can't understand what's going on. Then the father explains, "People call this 'Echo', but truly it's 'Life'. Life always give back what you give out! Life is a mirror of your actions. If you want more love, give more love! If you want more kindness, give more kindness! If you want understanding and respect, give more understanding and respect! If you want more people to be patient and respectful to you, give patience and respect! This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives."

Life always gives you back what you give out. Your life isn't a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings.

-Author unknown, adopted by BTA books :)

Translated by me.


Seorang lelaki dan putranya sedang berjalan di hutan. Tiba-tiba si anak terpeleset dan kesakitan, dia berteriak, "Aaaah!" Terkejut, ia mendengar sebuah suara yang datang dari gunung, "Aaaah!"

Penuh rasa ingin tahu, ia berteriak, "Siapa kamu?!" namun jawaban yang diterimanya hanya, "Siapa kamu?!" Ini membuatnya marah, jadi ia berteriak, "Kau seorang pengecut!" dan si suara menjawab, "Kau seorang pengecut!"

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