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Kafka Nafisa
Kafka Nafisa Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Student of International Relations at University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Hello! I'm Kafka. I always love to do journaling since i was a kid, and to be a student of International Relations major really help me to develop my writing skills. Welcome to my page!



Ilmu Sosbud

The Relevance of Al-Mawardi's Political Theory in the Modern Era

27 Juni 2024   19:13 Diperbarui: 27 Juni 2024   19:15 22
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Al-Mawardi's political theory remains highly relevant in the modern era. He asserted that a state must be founded on the institution of the caliphate (leadership system), the caliph (leader), and the necessary qualifications for becoming a caliph. In his concept, Al-Mawardi emphasized an institutional approach by maximizing the functions of state institutions. This concept is particularly pertinent to modern governance and administration, where the structure and function of institutions are crucial to running an effective and efficient government.

Al-Mawardi also sought to reconcile political realities with the political ideals prescribed by religion, using religion as a tool to justify politics in line with Islamic values. He believed that national leadership should be based on Islamic values and prioritize the interests of the Muslim community. In this regard, Al-Mawardi stressed the importance of integrity and morality in leadership, as well as the need to maintain social justice and the welfare of the people.

In the modern era, Al-Mawardi's theory remains relevant and applicable to various systems of governance and state administration. For instance, the principles of integrity, morality, and justice he emphasized are still critically needed in today's governments, where many countries face challenges such as corruption, injustice, and social dissatisfaction. Furthermore, Al-Mawardi's institutional approach can serve as a foundation for building a transparent and accountable system of governance.

Additionally, the relevance of Al-Mawardi's theory is evident in efforts to harmonize state law with religious values. In countries with a majority Muslim population, the principles proposed by Al-Mawardi can help shape public policies that are not only administratively effective but also in line with the religious values held by the community. This can strengthen the government's legitimacy in the eyes of the people and enhance compliance with laws and regulations.

In the era of globalization, where interactions between different value systems are becoming more intense, Al-Mawardi's theory offers valuable insights on managing differences and building an inclusive governance system. By adhering to the fundamental principles he proposed, modern states can find ways to address contemporary challenges while preserving the core values that underpin their societies.

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