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Kafka Nafisa
Kafka Nafisa Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Student of International Relations at University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Ilmu Sosbud

Comprehending The Value of Pancasila Based on The Concept of Anxiology

17 Januari 2024   22:15 Diperbarui: 17 Januari 2024   22:24 87
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Since its establishment as the foundation of the Indonesian state on August 18, 1945, Pancasila has become a foundation that is deeply rooted in people's lives. The values contained in Pancasila reflect the nation's philosophy and worldview, providing direction for the development of national character and identity. In an effort to understand and immerse the deep meaning of Pancasila, this article brings an axiological approach as an interpretative key.

Along with global developments and internal dynamics, it is important to open a wider window of interpretation to the values of Pancasila. The concept of axiology, the branch of philosophy that examines value and worth, provides a relevant bridge to explore the moral and aesthetic dimensions of Pancasila. By engaging with axiology, we can detail the philosophical underpinnings of Pancasila values, enriching our understanding of the principles that shape the nation's character.

Axiology, as a branch of philosophy, is the in-depth study of value, whether in aesthetics, morals or religion. The term comes from the Greek word "axios" which means "value" or "worthiness". In trying to find the values that humans want and need as a foundation and guide in their lives, it is in the realm of axiology. By using the concept of axiology, we can explore the roots and meaning of the values contained in Pancasila as the basic ideology of the Indonesian state. Axiology allows us to understand these values not just as a set of rules or norms, but also as a philosophical view that shapes the character and identity of the country. 

Pancasila, as Indonesia's state ideology, is not just a political doctrine, but a value system that includes five main principles, namely the belief in God, humanity, unity, democracy and social justice. The five main principles that have been initiated are not merely without merit. Starting with the principle of God, it shows that Indonesia is a country that believes in God. Which means Indonesia has a view like the values contained in religious teachings, where religion always teaches goodness. This confirms that Pancasila is the moral basis for organizing humanitarian and state life. Then move on to the principle of humanity, which reflects the belief that every human being has the same degree, so thus every human being is obliged to respect each other. The idea of the principle of humanity also implies an understanding that the Indonesian nation is inseparable from humanity as a social being.

Furthermore, the principle of unity, this principle is a form of reflection of the presence of the Indonesian nation which consists of various nations and unity as a counterweight. This is actually in line with the principles mentioned earlier, that humans as social beings must unite and respect fellow creatures of God. Turning to the fourth principle, namely the principle of democracy, this principle explains the means or steps used by Indonesia to realize the achievement of the goals of nation and state life. This idea is believed to be the only option that democracy or populism is the only way that best suits the three realizations of the nature of life as concluded in the first, second and third principles. Then the last is the principle of justice, clearly describing the goals or ideals of the Indonesian nation. This notion of justice is believed to encompass justice in three ideals, namely political, economic and social ideals. The value of this principle is the ideal that is expected to be realized as a result of the values reflected in the other four precepts. 

Ultimately, Pancasila is not just a political concept, but a value that describes the identity of Indonesian society. The concept of Axiology has opened the door to a deeper interpretation of the meaning and moral and aesthetic impact contained in each principle of Pancasila. Therefore, understanding the values of Pancasila with the concept of axiology is an essential step in strengthening the moral foundation and national identity. 

Resource: Sutono, A. (2019). Aksiologi Pancasila. Jurnal Ilmiah CIVIS

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