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Kadri Abdullah
Kadri Abdullah Mohon Tunggu... -

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Dad, Mom Did You Meaning Me

11 Desember 2015   11:11 Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2015   13:33 30
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In the everyday I alwasy see our photo. When I be baby you always take me everyplace that beauty. So Hard to think with my mind everything i will do without your sopport.  I Was feeling not better when I am came home. i want to be free likes bird on the sky. can fly to everywhere does want to go. But now i still alone, do everthing with my capable. no anyone help me. you was gone to my live. you, my pals, and my Big Family was leave me alone. I knew, I made mistake but please don't you leave me alone.

You are my soul. Many things that I wanted to tell you, but are you going to listen to me, watching me. nothing I can do if you are no longer there for me, just prayer dapatku pray to God that you are always happy. I hope not born in this world if only trouble you. many words have I received so far and the actions that I did to you continue to feel disappointed.I'm just a sucker for you if you would be detrimental to be near. If there is a request that I wish, I wish that I was born to trouble you. Oh God I wish they were happy with the success of myself being a scholar, Lapangkanlah my chest and make it easy my affairs both in the world and the Hereafter.

Mohon tunggu...

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