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Diah Pratiwi
Diah Pratiwi Mohon Tunggu... wiraswasta -

Salah satu dari bermilyar-milyar manusia yang ada di dunia ini yang terus berusaha menyeimbangkan segala sesuatu, terus berbuat baik dan punya impian untuk jadi "kutu loncat" dunia. Amiinn :)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n Terima kasih :)




Fettuccine Alfredo for Dinner

18 Februari 2011   07:11 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   08:29 206
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For the whole family ^^

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="For the whole family ^^"][/caption] I think most of the people on this planet has or at least at one time had had a craving for Italian food. With the Pizza Hut franchise going worldwide, nearly everyone in this world has tasted Italian cuisine. Whether it's the genuine recipe or not, the tomato paste, cooked beef or chicken, and melting mozzarella cheese certainly has done things to you. On the whole, Italian cuisine makes you crave for more. Rather going to Pizza Hut or Izzi Pizza or even Italy ;D, I went on Youtube on a journey to find Italian recipes so that I can make them myself. Please note that living in a tropical country makes it a bit tricky to actually get the right ingredients. But nonetheless, with extra food obsessed spirit, use of local and imported ingredients and smart budgeting, the success in the end of being able to make the recipes is one worthwhile experience. Fettuccine Alfredo is one of my favourite Italian dishes. I just love how the cream and the garlic flavours melt into your mouth. On a cold rainy day, fettuccine alfredo certainly soothes you inside out. So ladies and gentlemen, this is my journey with fettuccine alfredo :D After countless clicks and opening tabs on my browser, I have fallen in love with a food blog called Food Wishes. Chef John, I adore you. I just love the way how you make cooking seem so simple and so much fun. Here, I'll share his original recipe and video. Afterwards, I will add my own notes based on my personal experience with fettuccine alfredo. The Original Recipe and Video: Ingredients for 4 large servings: 2 large chicken breasts. 2 cups low sodium organic chicken broth 1 pound fettuccine. 2 cups heavy cream. 4 cloves garlic, very finely minced. 2 large egg yolks. 1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley (in summer toss some nice fresh basil in for a little different version). 2 cups freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. My Journey: When I went shopping at the supermarket, I wanted to use the whole-wheat fettuccine but instead I found the whole-wheat spaghetti one. I guess you could use any type of pasta for this recipe right? So, pasta done. Next up was the cream and cheese. In Jakarta there is a variety of cream to choose from and the price range varies too. Here, I decided to use the Alternative cream. It's about half the price of other creams but still tastes the same, fortunately. The cheese? well, here you can't get the Parmigiano-Regiano and the price of the Mozarella will give you a slight electric shock. Therefore, cheddar cheese is one of the easiest way out for smart budgeting. Oh, just to put one thing in mind, if you use the cheddar cheese quick melt, it will make your whole dish slightly saltier than usual so if you use it, don't put in too much. To add a bit of colour, I added in some mini slices of carrots, smoke beef and oregano. In the end, what we Asians crave for is the spicy black pepper taste, not necessarily the cream and cheese (unless you are a devout cheese lover and have been to Europe and can differentiate the taste of the cheese very well). I would say this recipe was a success for my family. My Grand Father ate more than usual and he finished the whole left-over the next morning! No wonder Mothers are always happy when everyone enjoy their meals. ^^ For Indonesian viewers, below are the instructions in Bahasa Indonesia: 1. Rebus pasta/fettucine/penne/spaghetti. Tambahkan garam dan sedikit minyak zaitun agar tidak lengket. Angkat dan dibuang airnya. 2. Rebus ayam dalam kaldu ayam kurang lebih selama 15 menit. Ayam diangkat dan dipotong-potong. 3. Rebus kaldu ayam hingga airnya tinggal setengah dari jumlah awal. 4. Masukkan potongan bawang putih, lada hitam, bubuk cabai. 5. Masukkan cream. Aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur. 6. Setelah agak mendidih, masukkan kuning telur yang sudah dikocok. 7. Masukkan bumbu kuah yang sudah jadi ke dalam pasta/fettucine/penne/spaghetti yang sudah matang. Masak selama 1 menit. 8. Sajikan dan beri parutan keju dan oregano/parsley. *Waktu memasak pasta/fettucine/penne/spaghetti bersamaan dengan memasak bumbu kuah. Ok, hope you enjoyed this recipe. Thank you for reading ^^

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