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Zee Alvionita
Zee Alvionita Mohon Tunggu...

“Zee”:\r\n\r\nis currently studying at the English Department, Satya Wacana Christian University.\r\n\r\nLikes acting, reading, writing, singing, playing piano, listening to music, watching movies, and studying people’s behaviors.\r\n\r\nBelieves that: “if you can do better than this, why not?”,\r\n\r\n“a woman must be tough”,\r\n\r\n“independence is not everything, but it is EXTREMELY important”\r\n\r\n"I am proud of being different."\r\n\r\n:)



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The White Birds and The Black Birds

17 Maret 2011   06:50 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   07:43 662
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don’t be ridiculous!

surely our eyes are different in size

our feathers are different in color

what else?

I can’t even find anything more than those two!


we live in the same mother earth, on the same land, and under the same sky

so why so persistent that we can’t live together?

o, you stupid white birds! why do you think God gives you opportunities to fly higher?

is it to mock others? is it to be over proud of yourselves? or really, to underestimate them? to think of yourselves as nobles? please!

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