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The Faded of Local Cultural due to Westernization

17 September 2024   15:56 Diperbarui: 17 September 2024   16:04 531
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  Indonesia has entered an era of unprecedented global connectivity, where advancements and progress have permeated every aspect of the nation. The emergence of diverse civilizations has brought with it a kaleidoscope of cultures, each leaving an indelible mark on our society. This rapid modernization has resulted in significant internal and external transformations, with a profound impact on Indonesia's rich cultural heritage. The allure of foreign cultures, often referred to as 'Westernization', has led to the erosion and even loss of our traditional customs, which have been passed down through generations. Consequently, our cultural identity is facing an unprecedented threat. 

   One of the most biggest impacts of westernization is the loss of local wisdom and traditions. This influence can be seen in the way of dressing, where traditional clothing is less and less used in everyday life and now being replaced by Western-style clothing which is considered more modern and practical. Apart from that, local languages are also getting less used because the younger generation more often uses foreign languages, especially English, which is considered more prestigious and supports future careers. 

Young Generation: Many of the younger generation prefer to follow foreign culture rather than indigenous Indonesian culture. They are easily influenced by social media and Western culture that is more popular and modern. 

Influence of Western Culture

 Western culture, such as lifestyle, fashion and technology, spreads widely through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. This makes many teenagers more interested in Western culture than their native Indonesian culture. 


In the era of advanced globalization, the influence of Western culture is very strong. Young people growing up in this era are more easily influenced by outside culture than native Indonesian culture. 

Indonesian society

The influence of westernization does not only occur in big cities, but also in the regions. Social media that is easily accessible throughout Indonesia allows Western culture to spread widely to various levels of society. 

Lack of Education

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