Sitti Maesuri Patahuddin is an Assistant Professor of Faculty of Education, Science, Technology and Mathematics, University of Canberra. She was a Postdoc Research Fellow in The University of Canberra Australia. She was also a Research Fellow with the Research Institute for Professional Practice, and Learning and Education (RIPPLE), Charles Sturt University (CSU). She was a lecturer in mathematics education at the State University Surabaya in Indonesia for over 10 years. Sitti has worked as an Indonesian teacher trainer nationally and for the South-East Asia region and also as a mathematics education consultant for primary schools. She spent over a year working closely with primary school teachers in Queensland as a part of her ethnographic study. Before joining CSU, she was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Witswatersrand, South Africa in 2011-2012, where she researched content knowledge for teaching and facilitated secondary mathematics teachers’ learning. Her research interests include the use of technology to enrich mathematics learning, teacher professional development, assessment of teacher content knowledge for teaching, as well use the uses of video for teaching and learning.
Hapuskan segala bayangan yang merusak, sadarilah bahwa kekuatan ada pada Yang Maha Kuasa, dan obatilah dirimu karena obat yang paling Mujarab adalah ada pada titik keyakinan anda.