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Joshua Paundra
Joshua Paundra Mohon Tunggu... -





In Hindsight, God has Planned Everything...

11 Februari 2012   13:12 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   19:46 120
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I believe that that is not coincidence. There is someone out there that love me to teach me how to wait. I can treat these events to be mere coincidence and do not learn something. But I believe that God’s plan is for me to learn.

So, is it really, in hindsight, God has planned everything? You do not need to look back to know God’s plan for you. You can know it real time. You can know about it if you just believe. Learning to have faith like a child is a very difficult undertaking and I do not say that I have now a perfect faith. In fact, I might even still be in Faith 2.0 beta version. Some of you may have had a better faith than me and I hope you can always improve it. As for me, I will need to start refining my faith 2.0 so that when the time is right, I can be even more faithful to God.

So, instead of in hindsight, I can already say that in real time, God has planned everything….

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