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Johansen Silalahi
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Field Trip atau Kunjungan Lapangan ke Rainwater Research Center, Seoul National University

28 Januari 2021   17:18 Diperbarui: 28 Januari 2021   17:23 366
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The 1st place that we visit was Rainwater Research Center, Seoul National University. The 2nd place is at The National Institute of Forest Science. This field study is very important for me especially to increase my knowledge about sustainable water management and the activities at National Institute of Forest Science. These field studies also can make my experience of forest and environment knowledge added. This field study also completes my course at class majoring forest resources and ecological restoration.

There are so many lessons we get from this field study especially sustainable water management and activities of National Institute of Forest Science. The purposes of this field study are to learn about rainwater research center, Seoul National University and learn about activities at The National Institute of Forest Science, support study at class.

Firstly, We learn about Sustainable Development Goals and Water Management by Professor Mooyoung Han. Prof Mooyoung Han is a lecturer at Seoul National University, Sustainable Water Management Research Center. Prof Mooyoung Han teaches us about Water, Toilet, and Rooftop. Water and sanitation are the 6th global goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are many problems in the world about SDGs, i.e; dry stream, heat island, flood and failure of water supply.

Prof Mooyoung Han explains about rainwater justification about rainwater. Generally, in the world, rainwater is very popular but most of the people didn't pay attention to the problem.

Prof Mooyoung Han explains to us what is rainwater that compares to other things and how rainwater can be valuable (prospectus). Rainwater is very safe than groundwater because is not free,  the risk of contamination (heavy metal, salt, others), should be left for next generation and groundwater level depletion. Rainwater is free in the world but most of the people didn't know how to manage the rainwater and this is can be a solution to solve the problem of SDGs like water supply with using simple technologies, i.e: tank, pipe, roof. Prof Mooyoung Han also introduces to us about his projects about Star City Rainwater Management with his motto "Everybody Happy Management" at Jayang-dong Gwangjin-gu Seoul for an apartment, officetel, commercial and cultural facilities. The projects contain technologies for flood control, water saving and emergency by using management and explains us about waggle type water management for that project. He makes a revolution in Rainwater, from Drain City to Rain City by Training Brain Citizen.

The invention of Prof Mooyoung Han also spread or developed in many countries from rain building, rain village, and rain school. Study case at Tanzania, the project build use rainwater innovation sustainability for a school that used with for four levels,i.e; water level 1: share with villagers, water level 2: for school use only, water level 3: limit usage, water level 4: for the emergency. 

This project makes me understands that rainwater around us can be developed by using rainwater to be valuable and solve the limitation in water supply management. There are many countries feel this problem but didn't have technologies to solve the limitation in the water supply. The problem in limitation of water supply can be solved with technologies and cheap and prospectus produce money like a project in Hanoi, RWH System solves their problems. This technology is very important especially for the countries who have the problem in the water supply. Rainwater is the best solution to solve the problem like a case at rainwater harvesting and boat deliver for drinking water supply at coastal slum of Makoko, Nigeria. Problems in that country are no water supply systems and polluted water sources by using technologies of Prof. Mooyoung Han build a project to solve their problems.

The 2nd topics that we discussed by Prof Mooyoung Han are about the toilet. Nowadays, the problem about of toilets is wasting too much water. Generally, if we want use toiled, usually we need water to flush. According to the research of Prof Mooyoung Han, if we use toiled we need 10,000 m3 per year or 1.3 m3/ day. According to the case, we can learn that using a toilet is using too much energy like the process of dam, desalination, treatment, wastewater reuse. Feces and urine usually cause river pollution but in another chance, they can develop to be fertilizer. From the ancient wisdom, we can learn that we must use no water for toilet, urine separation, utilizing the feces and urine as fertilizer and considering zero-emission community and social responsibility.

Prof Mooyoung Han success develops technologies for reducing water flow at Water Infrastructure of Urban by using ancient wisdom and developed with Torry and The Smart Torry connected to handphone. The concept is separate and reduces and connected to the technologies like handphone that can check for the smell and separate urine and feces. RWH system can we adopted by using local material and local labor and make self-sufficiency in water for this building (drinking, toilet, lab-experiment, cleaning, fire-fighting).

The 3rd topics that we discussed by Prof Mooyoung Han are about Green Roof Story at Seoul National University. They make the roof of their campus to be valuable with using technologies rainwater, waste and others to develop an agricultural system. They called it Everybody Happy Green Roof. We go to the top of the building faculty of civil and environmental engineering to learn about the application of happy green roof and facilities there.We see about laboratory, activities, rainwater storage, rainwater infiltration at the green roof and rainwater facilities.

From this case, this replication is very potential because of minimum operation cost and to solve about water, energy, communication, various activities (beekeeping), nice scenery and food organic vegetable (garden). This concave green roof showcase according to Prof Mooyoung Han is a model for the futuristic urban water management as a strategy for climate change adaptation. According to me, the technologies are very important especially in the cities can solve many problems by using roof at the top of the office-building or our home.

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