Hi, I’m Aether, a single-mother, storyteller, poet, and content writer, who likes to share my ideas over a cup of coffee and tea 🍃☕️. Sometimes, the quietest people have a thousand brilliant ideas in their minds.
Passionate about the world of education, I grew up in a family of teachers and lecturers. I have had the opportunity to experience the teaching profession firsthand. I pursued my studies in Biotechnology at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) with the aspiration to contribute significantly to the fields of science and healthcare.
Mempelajari ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi, Politik, Pendidikan dan Dialog Budaya-Antaragama di Jerman, Founder of Suara Keheningan.org, Seelsorge und Sterbebegleitung dan Mitglied des Karmeliterordens der Provinz Indonesien | Email: inokarmel2023@gmail.com