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Jessica Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa tahun ke-2 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Saya adalah mahasiswi jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta




Sea Rhythm with Big Waves

13 Desember 2022   18:12 Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2022   18:34 144
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Finally after thorough preparations they ventured to open a new business, namely "Warung Makan Kita Bersama". The business was a success. Their restaurant is always crowded because of its strategic location close to a campus in the West Jakarta area. Delicious food and very affordable prices and suitable for students are the reason their restaurant is busy. Their business continues to grow until they have many employees. They are increasingly successful and can afford their secondary and tertiary needs. Their children were given a very good and expensive education. They often shop at the mall, travel out of town, and eat delicious food. All that thanks to the prayers of the great woman. But unfortunately, the man did not realize that everything he achieved was not only from hard work but also from prayer. So far he has been lazy to do his duty as a Muslim. He often leaves prayers, does not fast in Ramadhan, and leaves other obligations as a Muslim. This is the biggest challenge for the woman, she feels it is her responsibility because she has changed the man's belief in religion. They often argue because the man is never grateful for what he has earned. The woman also never stops telling the man to do his duty. They often fight in front of their children and make them feel traumatic. For more than 20 years they were married, the problem never ended. The older their children were, the more commotion there was. Who were two children they didn't understand then grew up and knew a lot of things. Slowly the minds of the two children opened and they knew what was wrong and right.

"Haven't you noticed? Our current condition is not only because of our hard work, but also because of my prayers!" shouted the woman. Their two children who were studying at home were startled by the scream. "What's the matter? Why are you two fighting?" asked the eldest child. "Bapak, he doesn't want to pray and says that our business is successful only because of hard work. I'm tired of telling him and he never realized." said the woman angrily. "Pak, please listen to what ibu said. Why did you send us to a religious school but instead you don't obey religion?" said the eldest. The man fell silent. "See, your bapak doesn't even know how to defend himself. Ibu has repeatedly told bapak, ibu has given an example, it's still the same. Maybe it's my fault that made him change religion, maybe bapak changed religion not because of his heart, but because of me." said the woman with teary eyes. While crying, the eldest said "Be patient bu, there will be time. Bapak is not yet aware because from inside he has no intention to change. Now, ibu just pray that bapak will realize soon before it's too late." They ended the fight. The man was still silent hearing the words of his eldest daughter who he just realized was that the child was an adult now. 

A week passed. Neither waves nor storms come upon this family. the atmosphere of peace and quiet after last week's debate. The woman was in the restaurant, serving customers. Today the customers were not as busy as usual, there were only a few people. Suddenly, three men with big bodies and dark clothes broke down the door of the restaurant. "Where's that guy!" one of them shouted. "What's going on? Who dares to make a fuss here!" said the frightened woman. "Where is your husband? I want to ask for the money he borrowed, he promised to repay it today!". snapped the big man. "My husband? When did he borrow from a moneylender like you?" asked the woman. "You don't know or are you playing stupid? He used the money to open this restaurant!" said the moneylender in a loud voice. The restaurant is a mess, all the customers are running scared. With trembling hands, the woman tried to contact the man. "Hello, can you come here now?" asked the woman while holding back tears. "What's wrong? Is there a problem?" the man asked back. "I want an explanation from you now! Come here quickly!" shouted the woman. The moneylender and the woman await the arrival of the man. The woman was scared while holding her cell phone. The moneylender asks for coffee and relaxes.

In a hurry the man came. The loan moneylender stood up and crossed their arms. "Well, here he is. Where's the money you promised? It's time." they charge the money. "Sorry, I just got this." the man gave them one million rupiah. "What the heck, one million! All you borrow is twenty million with interest of five million, so the total is twenty-five million." charge the moneylender. "I promise on Sunday I will pay off everything. So please I beg you to go now." said the man. "Okay, if you don't pay it off as promised, I will confiscate this restaurant." the moneylender threatened.

With a body that was still shaking, the woman asked and asked for an explanation. "I didn't expect it, why are you lying? and why can't you pay off all your loans?" said the woman. "I don't want to see you suffer, when we didn't have any money saved at that time, I felt sorry for you. My aim is good, I do all this so that we can rise from our difficulties." the man explained. "Then why can't you pay back the money? We have savings," asked the woman while wondering. "I want to admit everything, in fact I have sinned very much, I am addicted to gambling and lost big. I used our savings money secretly to gamble, and I was cheated yesterday." the man explained. "Why are you so mean to your family? Since when have you gambled? So this is the reason you find it difficult to worship?" said the woman with great disappointment. "Sorry, I made a mistake. I was only invited to try. The first time I was invited by my friend was when our business was before this restaurant was established. The money used to build this business was actually only 10 million. But because I was greedy, I borrowed 20 million and the rest I used to gamble." said the man. "I didn't expect you to let your wife and children be like this. Why are you sending your children to religious schools with money that is not lawful? They must be sad to hear that. Now what should we do?" said the woman. "I will try to maintain this restaurant first. We still have 10 million in savings, the rest I will seek loans from our closest people or friends." said the man. "Fine, I'll help, but I want you to repent from gambling. Tell the truth to your children, apologize to them, do your worship duty to God." asked the woman. "Okay, I will do it. sorry for my mistakes." replied the man.

The man went straight home to his children to apologize. "I'm sorry, nak. I have made a fatal mistake. I feel guilty." said the man with embarrassment. "What's wrong with you, pak?" asked the youngest. "I have lied to your mother, I have also used our savings for things that are not true, from now on I promise to correct all my mistakes." said the man. "Don't just promise in your mouth, pak." said the eldest. " I'm sorry, nak. I will do better."

After a few days of the incident, the man and woman looked for a loan, it was very difficult for them to find a loan, coupled with the shame they had to endure. Luckily they got a loan from their family and managed to maintain the restaurant. Their business with the moneylender is over. They started fixing things one by one. The man has started to pray diligently, their business has begun to rebuild and become bustling. And most importantly, their family has become warmer and more complete. The storm they were going through slowly calmed down. The rhythm of the sea, which was previously hit by lots of big waves, has now become a calm rhythm with a calm wind.

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