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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Global Boiling and Global Warming

4 Desember 2023   10:43 Diperbarui: 4 Desember 2023   10:51 74
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There is a solution to finish global warming but, its kind of hard too because, a lot of people using car, motorcycle or other vehicles. The solution to finish global warming are, stop using a lot of vehicles, stop using a lot of plastics, stop throw any trash in ocean or floor, and we should re plant trees and stop chop a lot of trees that is the solution to finish global warming.


It's not easy to finish global boiling and global warming because a lot of people keep throw a lot of trash, use a lot of vehicles and to much air pollution but we have to try to finish that problem by, stop over use, less vehicles and stop throw trash any where and i want to try to stop over use, less vehicles and stop throwing trash anywhere. We all should do that to stop global boiling and global warming and make Earth beautiful.  

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