Comfort is the main thing to get peace, and it is very necessary if we are in a relationship. Therefore, a sense of comfort is really needed in all things, one of which is education or the learning process.
Learning is an activity that requires a comfortable environment and atmosphere. This is very important because it refers to the learning process going well so that student achievement can be achieved as optimally as possible. At school or at home, students will be able to learn well if they are in a conducive atmosphere.
Who plays an important role in creating comfortable learning environments? What efforts should be made to create an atmosphere and a feeling of comfort while studying?
Teachers have an important role in creating comfortable learning environments for their students. The role of the teacher in the learning process must be optimized so that comfort in the learning process is maintained, which can be done in various ways depending on the creativity of the teacher.
A professional teacher must have a good level of mastery of the learning material; the teacher must have the skills to present the material well and make it easy to understand so that the teacher really acts as a source of student learning.
The teacher plays a role in creating a learning atmosphere that makes students feel comfortable while studying by keeping the class conducive to the learning process of all students. In addition, the teacher also acts as a guide, motivator, and evaluator for all students.
What are the benefits of a comfortable learning environment? What are the consequences of an uncomfortable learning environment?
The main benefit that we will get from creating a comfortable learning environment is increased concentration, which will help learning material be quickly understood. Conversely, an uncomfortable learning atmosphere will make students bored and disrupt their concentration. Of course, it would be futile to hope for optimal learning outcomes.