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Jessica Smith is a passionate App Developer & content writer who writes articles related to jobs and career opportunities in various profiles. She also writes about varied topics such as education, mobile app development, web development, business and technology, gadgets, SEO, career tourist spots etc.




Is Telemedicine App still relevant?

10 Oktober 2019   18:14 Diperbarui: 11 Oktober 2019   16:55 39
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Gadget. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/ThisIsEngineering

The healthcare industry was considered as a vertical stagnant that goes on with the old-age and pre-existing practices. But in the recent development, the healthcare industry has emerged as the fastest growing and rapidly evolving sector. Now you don't need to visit hospitals or drive to hospitals for scheduled appointments. The telemedicine app enables the long-distance delivery of medical consultation to patients situated in remote locations. This app uses online consultation on audio, video calls, remote monitoring, image transmissions, and screen sharing for the delivery medical consultation.

Introduction to Telemedicine 

Often Telemedicine is used interchangeably with the telehealth despite the significant difference between the two terms. Both differ in their meaning and scope. Telemedicine is an umbrella of services which includes delivery of health and information using information technology and telecommunications. It includes long-distance delivery of medical services and caring to the people who have limited or lack of access to medical supervision. Doctors use Telemedicine to render primary as well as specialist care.

Enabling technology of Telemedicine

In the past few decades, technology has undergone a significant transformation leading to the evolution of healthcare, bringing improved outcomes for the future. The scope and potential of Telemedicine is heavily dependent on the infrastructure; here are some points explaining the impact of Telemedicine in the healthcare sphere.

Increased accessibility: The lack of reach of medical offerings was the primal hurdle in enabling quality care. Telemedicine is expected to close the gap between doctors and patients with the use of various services such as online audio and video calls - instant messaging, store and forward, and many more. With the use of telemedicine services increased, the percentage of patients in remote areas has access to healthcare advice and information.

Reduced cost: Access to technology has become cheaper. The advancement in technology is reshaping the costs and risks involved in the telemedicine software and related technologies. The Internet has present ubiquitous communication. The virtual communication has created a very different market from the traditional healthcare delivery scenes. The adoption of Telemedicine can bring massive cost benefits concerning healthcare. Telemedicine is gaining popularity among healthcare providers, and it is likely that around 85% of the medical professionals will adopt Telemedicine soon.

Improved healthcare quality: The quality of services is assessed in the delivery structure and indicated by the outcomes. The quality of healthcare services is based on patient satisfaction. Telemedicine software enables the patient to access medical services from any location, thus saving the traveling time and cost. It saves the burden to spend time in waiting rooms at hospitals.

Greater access to the specialist: Patients residing in remote villages and far-fetched locations do not have access to specialist services for various medical needs, Telemedicine empowers the specialist to provide a diagnosis. Telemedicine and telehealth are bridging the gap of necessary healthcare advice and in certain circumstances, specialist advice.

Enhanced patient engagement: The technology has spreads like wildfire, and people are becoming more inclined towards using the latest developments. On-demand healthcare services are attracting more users. The market for telemedicine app development has risen drastically. Telemedicine apps enable patients to get healthcare information and diagnosis at a convenient environment of their homes.

Patient monitoring: Store and forward services, image sharing, and other telemedicine services rendering the doctor option to track the health record of patients easily. Remote monitoring helps to assess the information and contact the patients in case they spot any problems. The doctor can pay to consult the patient through a virtual visit and inform about the circumstances.

Easy Follow-up Checkup: In the conventional delivery of medical care, the patient has to schedule appointments for follow-up and revisit the hospitals. These visits take up a lot of time and often have been avoided by patients even if they are crucial for health. The telemedicine software enables patients to easily follow up diagnosis through online video calls. The virtual visits take much less time and save the cost of traveling to hospitals. It is very beneficial elderly ages population and patients who are unable to frequently visit the hospitals for routine checkups.

At-home rehabilitation services: After the treatment for critical illness, a subsequent amount of time is required for recovery. The patients often need to stay back at the hospitals after getting discharged from the ICU. Telemedicine app empowers to set up an ideal rehab environment at the convenience of the home where doctors can keep an eye on the patients. There are several mobile devices and wearable technologies that help to keep an update of patients to the family members and staff taking care.

Are you making the right choice by selecting telemedicine software?

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