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Jeremy Nathanael Oman
Jeremy Nathanael Oman Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Student

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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

World's Biggest Problem

3 Desember 2023   21:58 Diperbarui: 3 Desember 2023   22:27 109
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 Residential activity is the fastest-growing contributor to Global warming. This is because the

 way ACs work is by expelling hot air from a room, and since cold is just an absence of heat

 or energy, your room can be cooled. Unfortunately, since the hot air gets sent outside and the 

 world gets hotter, you will be more tempted to use your AC, amplifying the problem. You can 

 see how this is a problem. Our rooms get cooled but the world gets warmed.

It's effects on the world

Over the last 50 years, global temperatures have risen by 0.17 degrees Celsius because of global warming. Not only that, but sea levels have risen by 14cm in the last 50 years and are projected to increase by 30cm, to some, that may not sound like a lot, but the ocean covers 70% of the earth's surface. Another notable consequence of global warming is biodiversity destruction because species struggle to adapt. Coral reefs are also getting bleached because of warmer water, which will further devastate marine life. But there are still more problems we need to address, communities are getting displaced, the risk of heatwave and heatstroke has risen, and climate patterns have been disrupted, leading to more hurricanes, heatwaves, droughts, and floods.

How to beat Global warming

Beating Global warming will be no easy task. It will need collaboration between governments, corporations/companies, and us, the people. That is the hard part, every country in the world needs to work together to beat Global warming, and with all the cultural differences, language barriers, and political tension, I don't mean to be pessimistic but until Global warming gets REALLY bad, that's not gonna happen. But that's on a Global level, if local governments want to reduce greenhouse gas levels in their area, they can:

-Develop their public transportation

This means making their buses and trains more convenient, fancier, and cheaper. This will encourage people to use public transport instead of their cars which are expensive, horrible at 

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