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Ilmu Sosbud

International Public Lecture Starting Green Transition in Kalimantan to Entrench Economic Dynamism, Social Progress, and Environmental Sustainability

15 Maret 2023   16:50 Diperbarui: 15 Maret 2023   16:55 374
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Nine country teams (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) are analyzing the pathways to achieve NZE.

  • We noticed a big difference between Europe and ASEAN in size.

    1. The “ASEAN Green Future (AGF)” Framework

    The specific characteristics ASEAN, like vast rainforests and plantation agriculture, mean that NZE consists of 

    1. Reduction in CO2 emission by technical systems like power generation industry, and transportation sector i.e. decarbonization of technical systems, and

    2. Increase in CO2 absorption by natural carbon sinkholes with reforestation and restoration of mangrove systems, and increase carbon-absorptive capacity of soil with rehabilitation of mined-out land and use of organic fertilisier, i.e. re-carbonization of natural eco-systems.

          A compherensive geo-biodiversity, socio-economic, and ecological assessment of the Amazon in34 chapters in : 1. Part I = The amazon as a regional entity of the earth system, part II = social-ecological transpormations : changes in the amazon, and Part III = the solution space : finding sustainable pathways for the amazon

           The science panel for amazon report helped motivate Brazilian president Lula Da Silva’s to form an “OPEC for rainforests” on 14 November 2022 at COP27 in Egypt.

    1. The Work Agenda For SP-SEA

    1. Forest-protection and expansion→preserve biodiversity and enlarge natural carbon sinkholes

    2. Agriculture-reduce environmental damage & increase crop resilience & improve soil fertility

    3. HALAMAN :
      1. 1
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