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Jeanne Francoise
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Political Process of Indonesian Language to be One of United Nations Official Languages

9 Maret 2017   14:18 Diperbarui: 9 Maret 2017   14:18 691
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National Conference on Mother Tounge Language (SNBI X): Documentation and Empowerment of Local Languages as the Power of Cultural Nation

Auditorium Widya Sabha Mandala, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Udayana, February 24-25, 2017

“Political Process of Indonesian Language (Bahasa Indonesia)

to be one of United Nations Official Languages”

Jeanne Francoise, S.Hum., M.Si.(Han.)

Professional Researcher


This paper, that would be presented on National Conference on Mother Tongue Language (SNBI X) in Universitas Udayana on February 24-25, 2017, is aimed to show an academic evidence that Bahasa Indonesia is a politically correct language, to be lawfully inserted as one of United Nationsofficial languages as soon as possible.

On the historical background, this paper would show numbers of people who are currently speaking Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia) around the world. Based on the official data from the Director of Islamic Higher Education Ministry of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia;Prof. Dr. Amsal Bakhtiar, M.A., on the 3rd Joint International Seminar on Religious Education in a Diverse Society: Promoting Civil Religion and Deliberative Society, Hotel Santika Semarang, November 18-20, 2016; there are currenty 500 million active speakers of Bahasa Indonesia, including Indonesian diaspora and half-Indonesians; international workers and students.

On the methods of analysis, this paper will use Polemology theory by French sociologist, Gaston Bouthol, that describes United Nations international political process of choosing an official language. Besides of that, this paper will use the concept of Indonesian National Defense System (Sistem Pertahanan Negara Republik Indonesia/Sishanneg) to discuss about the “Bahasa Indonesia” itself from defense system point of view, related to existing Law about the national mother language protection.

On the conclusion and recommendation, this paper will give some insights about how to make Bahasa Indonesia to be internationally recognized by also preserving local languages at the same time.; the idea that can give a complete definition of being a modern-Indonesian.

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